

  • I'm Going Ghost-Wait, What!

    A crossover between Danny Phantom and Frozen...obvious. But I'm going to let you guys decide if you want this, and pitch me ideas if you do. WARNING: NOT A DELSA FANFIC! I'M NOT GOOD AT ROMANCE!

  • Ice Dragon Tales: Part 1

    Elsa had never thought this would happen in her entire life. But it did. She was just a normal person with ice powers, and now, she is an ice dragon! Can she learn to control her dragon traits? Find out here! Rated K for now, may go up to K . NO FLAMES!

  • Chickenpox at Hogwarts

    A random idea that popped into my head. Filius gets chickenpox and spreads it to all the teachers. sick!Filius and sick!teachers. Takes place during Harry's sixth year and I hope you enjoy. P.S. THIS IS MY FIRST HARRY POTTER STORY!

  • Hogwarts DIscovers Klutz

    Hermione discovers a weird Muggle book in the library and decided to check it out. Description in the story, and set in third year!

  • Elsa-Locks Has Chicken Pox!

    A harmless parody of the children's book "Goldie Locks has chicken pox!" by Erin Dealey. Enough said. NO FLAMES!

  • Do you wanna build a snowman, Joe?

    Basically me doing the same the same thing that pinkittwice54 did in her story "A small conversation." Read my author's note in the story to find out more!

  • Getting the Others Sick: Frozen Style

    I love the Ultimate Spiderman episode "Back In Black," and I love Frozen, and this happened. READ AND REVIEW, AND NO FLAMES!

  • The Inside Story

    When four-year-old Anna gets sick, she has a dream where she goes into her body to fight the germs. Based on a curious George episode, no flames please!

  • The Harry Potter Sneezing Song

    Inspired by a Sesame Street video I watched...YES, I KNOW IT'S TERRIBLE SO CRITIZIZE ME, I DON'T CARE! But no flames please! And if possible, tell me how to make it better!