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  • The Stranger in the Mirror

    Knowledge. Enciodes Silverash had plenty of it. Of his allies. Of his enemies. Of what he had to do, and how. But that woman could somehow make part of his knowledge obsolete. She could make him unable to understand the one person he thought would never escape his comprehension. At times, Degenbrecher made Enciodes unable to recognize himself. Silverash, Degenbrecher, oneshot.

  • A Not Entirely Improvised Pastime Between Partners

    Following Lappland's advice to "sort out" her relationships, Suzuran resolves to talk things out with Ifrit, both to resolve their last quarrel and to properly understand what exactly they mean to one another. Much to her delight, the conversation goes quite smoothly. But things also end up progressing faster than she had anticipated. Suzuran, Ifrit, oneshot. Unplanned Events 17.

  • The Improvised Exchange of Laughters

    Suzuran decides to have a small chat with Gladiia about her latest encounter with Specter, only for Specter herself to show up and interrupt their conversation. Then, a weird train of thoughts leads Suzuran to make an especially odd request, much to Specter's amusement. And Skadi's confusion. Specter, Suzuran, Gladiia, Skadi, tickling, oneshot. Unplanned Events 16.

  • The Unexpected Sharing of Selves

    Specter decides to have another dance with Suzuran, much to the latter's discomfort. And, much to the former's delight, the vulpo magages to demonstrate the reason why Gladiia decided to personally give her dance lessons. Specter, Suzuran, kind of Skadi, brief depiction of violence, oneshot. Unplanned Events 15.

  • Good Colleagues Help Each Other

    Things between Roy and Monique were... functional. They didn't exactly have the best of relationships, but it wasn't all that bad either, at least from his point of view. A physiological need, a phone call and a couple of somewhat misplaced jokes, however, were about to change that. For better or for worse. Roy, Monique, mating cycles, oneshot.

  • An Unmeant Revelation

    Still bedridden, Lappland receives a visit from Suzuran and, much to her amusement, is asked for advice, or counseling perhaps. The little vulpo, however, inadvertently makes Lappland realize that all the tiny little things the lupo had shrugged off as meaningless coincidences might not be so meaningless after all. For the worse. Suzuran, Lappland, oneshot. Unplanned Events 14.

  • The Unexpected Exchange of Secrets

    Suzuran decides to go apologize to Rosmontis about what happened at the greenhouse, and by doing so she ends up discovering something Ifrit had kept hidden from her. Rosmontis, realizing that she knows something she shouldn't, decides to share one of her own secrets with Suzuran to make things even. Rosmontis, Suzuran, Mon3tr, oneshot. Unplanned events 13.

  • Improvised Treatment of Dubious Efficacy

    In an attempt to get over the things she witnessed during Specter's psychotic episode, Suzuran turns to Ifrit. With some of Ceobe's special mushrooms having accidentally ended up in their breakfast, things take a rather intimate turn. Suzuran, Ifrit. Accidental, soft drug use, oneshot. Unplanned events 9.

  • Sudden Near-Death

    Psychotic episodes weren't quite new for Specter. They'd grown less frequent, but at times also more severe. Much more severe than previously anticipated. Suzuran, Lappland, Specter. Gore, graphic depiction of violence, oneshot. Unplanned events 8.

  • The Unexpectedly Voyeuristic Locker Room Experience

    Suzuran finds a most unexpected surprise in her locker, a surprise that leads her to accidentally peep on Ifrit and witness something that might make things between her and the sarkaz pretty awkward from there on. Suzuran, Lappland, Ifrit, voyeurism, oneshot. Unplanned Events 3.

  • The Unplanned Sleepover

    A few days after their first meeting, Suzuran resolves to bring Lappland her blanket back. Things go smoothly, but not quite as smoothly as initially planned. Suzuran, Lappland, nearly sex, oneshot. Unplanned Events 2.

  • The Unplanned Late Night Snack

    One unusually loud night at Rhodes Island, Suzuran decides to head to the greenhouse to ask for something to help her sleep. Along the way, however, she stumbles upon a wolf and inadvertitedly rouses her appetite. Suzuran, Lappland, nonconsensual sex. Oneshot.

  • The foxgirl and the butler

    One day, Ara accidentally discovers Oberon's hobby. This will lead her to an unusual relationship, as well as the discovery of the butler's past, and his secret ties with someone she would have never expected.