
  • Sick Days

    Just something that popped into my head; be warned that if you don't like the pairing feel free not to read. Sharon and Rusty are both sick...

  • Small Mercies

    Sometimes all you need is a little nudge to come out of your funk, isolating your self can become desperately lonely. After months of no contact one fateful day in a cafe can change everything. (Sharon/Brenda pairing)

  • Broken Hearts

    An AU story with my very own OC about love, loss, and dealing with everything in between. Holidays tend to bring to surface the feelings we try to suppress and they always seem to be so much more painful.

  • Sweet Southern Drawl

    A little story involving our favorite blonde and her favorite brunette, Rated M for obvious reasons...

  • Expectations

    Sometimes things don't go the way we planned and sometimes you're too late to change whats already been done.

  • Memories Flow

    There comes a time when you have to reflect on the things that have happened in your life; things to look back on and be thankful for or things that have made you stronger...

  • Observations

    Will's musings on the flight back from a routine mission..

  • Rainy Day Musings

    Sharon contemplates her life and how it has changed in the last year or so...