Kenna Monster

  • Straight On Till Morning

    It's been 10 years since their adventures in Neverland and the Darling family has worked hard to adjust to a normal life. Until one day when an injured Peter Pan shows up, asking for their help.

  • Heroes Unite

    How I wish the Avengers and Amazing Spiderman story lines would connect, takes place after events of Avengers and during TASM 2

  • Fifth Times The Charm

    Setsuna often refused help from his teammates. Good thing none of them were very good at listening.

  • Wounded Beast

    Agron is injured while they flee the Romans, leaving the others the task of caring for him.

  • Without You

    Hardison is badly injured during a heist.

  • The Fighters

    Darry and Soda help get Ponyboy into college, the three of them working hard to keep their family together as Greaser vs Soc warfare hits an all time high.

  • Never Be The Same

    After the death of Wally, Dick leaves Young Justice. It's been three months with no contact so Batman sends the team out to find him.

  • Blood And Sand

    The Braxton brothers are a force to be reckoned with, willing to do anything for their family.