

  • Viva la Pluto

    The batboys decide to play a poker game, this, of course, doesn't end well

  • afternoon song

    Damian and Colin enjoy a calm afternoon playing chess, listening to music and talking about everything and nothing just like two normal teenagers would... kind of.

  • Even tough cookies crack

    While in London, Damian visits to the house he and his mother used to live in, it doesn't end well. (triger warning for panic attack)

  • Devil's backbone

    During his first year on earth, Castiel tries to remind Dean about the connection they shared in Hell

  • It's better if you're not alone

    It's a sad day in the manor today. Titus picks up on it and Damian makes Tim some company in this difficult day.

  • Moving on

    Saying goodbye to things and places is hard, but it comes easier when the person who made them special in the first place is still there with you. Damian helps Colin to move out of the orphanage and into his new house. As much fluff as I could do with Damian involved