

  • Target Practice

    Sharon was so cool, calm and collected when she heard about Rusty's last contact with Sharon Beck...but feelings have to emerge somehow, as Andy knows too well

  • Winter Nestlings, Learning to Fly (A Falcon's Rest Christmas Story)

    Summary: Another winter comes to Falcon's Rest, the settlement that a number of former Twelve Colonies refugees call home, in 1880 South Dakota (up a few miles from Deadwood). Along with the snow, the winter brings new inventions and some new faces.

  • Ashes and Vows (One Wild Ride 'Verse)

    Set in the AU of OWR: A few weeks after the Cylon attack, life on the hijacked Galactica settles into a quasi-military routine not that different from life in an outlaw MC. Tauron Outlaws VP Lee Adama &his Old Lady, Kara Thrace begin the transfer of their biker skills to Viper runs. Kara remains tops in evasive maneuvers until she hits an unexpected snag that throws her off course.

  • Coal and Sugarplums

    Andy and Sharon's post-Nutcracker phone call. Everyone likes happy endings for the holidays, but everyone also likes people to be held accountable for their actions. My attempt at seeking a balance (even if just for myself) after considering many, many POVs about this. 3rd genre would be "humor" if that had been an option.

  • Making Room

    Birthday fic for defyingnormalcy :-) Hobbs/Raydor Andrea and Sharon do some re-decorating to make Rusty feel even more at home, complete with an unexpected addition!

  • Reading Room

    Written for bsg kink's prompt, "Earth" Bill and Laura find an unexpected resource for entertainment in the effects of a dear departed friend. A/N: I gave myself the prompt of Bill/Laura, reading in bed, Earth 2.0, post "Dear Diary." It was a treat to encounter Angelina again after almost three years.

  • Shadows of Young Love

    Seeing a young couple slip away gets Saul and Ellen waxing nostalgic for what they never had-the heady feeling of being young and in love. But maybe there was a way... A/U, takes place in the 'verse of New In Town's Falcon's Rest, a small Twelve Colonies expat community in North Dakota, circa 1880

  • How I Wonder What You Are

    Written for the BSG-Remix Summary: Both Laura and Maya have secrets about baby Isis; who she is, who she isn't Original Story: Guns not Butter by pocochina Laura/Maya, Maya figures it out about Hera

  • Smoke in Her Eyes

    Written for bsg kink prompt: Laura, anyone, first time on chamalla Laura Roslin and Richard Adar share more smoke than secrets during their illicit tryst

  • Ten Commentfic from the BSG-Epics Prompt Wars 2014

    Ten commentfic from the above challenge. Prompts used were Knife, Sick, Photograph, Right, Bubbles, Trapped, Bed, Lips, Joy, Water. There are a variety of pairings & characters, & different genres (more gen than anything else). Not all are rated M; most are in the T range. There're a lot more characters than shown here but due to the limits of the format, I'm just using these two.

  • The Cylon-Free New Caprican Summer

    In a New Caprica blissfully free of Cylons, Bill and Laura share a lazy summer afternoon...

  • Galan's Gift Emporium

    Chief Tryol is a natural-born craftsman...just the man to provide the perfect special gift for a new settler :-)

  • So Much Life Part One (Meetings on a Golden Shore 'verse)

    Bill and Laura's spirits have given Hatshepsut and Senenmut some privacy while they see what else is going on in the ancient world. After some exploring, though,they both begin to feel something's...different about their Egyptian incarnations, for better or for worse. They want to help (and they have to admit, it'd be nice to have physical, touchable forms again).

  • They're Trouble

    Before the attack, before Zak's fateful flight, Kara shares her concerns over a drink or six with a guy who seems to understand her dilemma...maybe too well. A possible explanation for why Saul Tigh and Kara Thrace were at each other's throats from the mini-series on.

  • Once You Go, You Know

    Summary: Sharon and Andy combine a much-needed vacation with checking up on Rusty, who's using a college semester break to do something neither expected (A bit AU, in that it's a couple of years in the future)

  • Last Rites

    What happened to all those contaminated food supplies, after they found the algae planet? When you've lost so much, how can you stand to lose more? A semi-Proustian interlude.