Servant of Fire

  • The Major's Asylum

    AU Many Happy Returns. John is grieving Sherlock's death, when Mycroft and Greg reveal to him a video made 10 years before his and Sherlock's supposed first meeting. John learns that he has had Pyschogenic Amnesia since the fire fight in Afghanistan that invalided him, and begins to remember the last case MI6 detective consultant Sherlock Holmes was working on. One Major Sholto's.

  • Epiphany's Wind

    The conclusion of the Epiphany Trilogy. Sherlock has at last returned, but is now battling an abnormally severe case of PTSD. Picking up on this rather early, Sergeant Donovan begins to play on his condition, for personal reasons. Mycroft and John begin to intervene, only to realize a terrible truth. A truth only Sherlock Holmes can save them from...

  • La Fille de l'Eau

    Sherlock is comatose. Mycroft must tell the truth about his and Sherlock's childhood. John must protect his friend from an unknown threat... Enter La Fille de l'Eau, the Water's Daughter, 20 something years after the encounter with the Red Headed League, from whence the beloved Redbeard got his name... For entertainment purposes only

  • Moshe's Sign

    Riley is forced off the road by ex team members, and drowns in his car in the Hudson river. A little ginger kitten comes with a message from beyond the grave ,to comfort Ben, Ian and Abby. Rated T for character death.

  • The Journey of Boromir

    After his death, Boromir continues to fight the wars of his people, from the Eternal . With him rides Eowyn Shieldarm, and Théoden King. A parody of Dante's Inferno. Written for tommyginger, who dearly loves the Would Be Steward of Gondor.

  • Epiphany's Child

    AU Hiatus. In which Hiatus doesn't end. In which John goes in Mycroft's place to rescue Sherlock out of Serbia. In which the Orphans of Epiphany are captors in need of saving. In which Sherlock needs saving from himself. Warning: This story is very dark...Rated T for mentions of torture, and mildly disturbing situations, involving children. For entertainment purposes only.

  • Frodo Dreams No More

    3rd person verse take on Frodo's departure at the Grey Havens

  • Good Medicine

    John never thought he'd be returning to the scene of the cabby's attempted crime... Sherlock's attempted recreation of the suicide game. And how John cures him with a dose of his own medicine. Rated T for alcohol and attempted suicide. For entertainment purposes only.

  • Do You Know the Way to Heaven?

    Inspired by my students in a Sunday school lesson. Elsa is killed by Hans in an alternate end of the movie, so Anna becomes queen, and this song is set to the same tune as "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" but with different words. For Wyncie , who was killed in a car crash when she was 3.

  • My Sister,Sherrinford

    AU In which Sherlock and Mycroft discover that they were put in an MI6 witness protection program as young children, their foster parents changing their names to match their own. And in which Mary is not who she thought she was. In which Sherlock solves his own case, and John must save the Holmes boys, and his wife, from their dark past...

  • The Tales of New Light

    Continuing from the Tales of New Shadow.DISCONTINUED

  • Goodnight,Vienna

    AU Mycroft interrupts John's attempted suicide, to plead for his help in saving Sherlock from the mutinous crew of the "Vienna" the ship Mycroft's people had sent to bring a tormented Sherlock home from his Hiatus. T for mentions of torture, attempted suicide, drugs and alcohol.

  • A Study in Forgiveness

    In which Sherlock does not survive being shot by Mary. And in which John's little daughter's imaginary friend, and guardian angel are one and the same. Written for my uncle, the night he died.

  • Till the Drums Are Silent

    Watson and Holmes stand by each other, till the end of the drums.

  • The Fire Wakes

    Being the last part of the Tales of New Shadow. In memory of Professor Tolkien.

  • Last of Symbelmyne

    Théoden finds his children in the destruction of the East Fold. Written for tommyginger.

  • We Are Atlantis

    AU, no spoilers, set in 2016. An oil/alternate fuel source war between England and the Middle East could lead to WW3. Sherlock is on a case to solve the murder at the heart of it, when events lead to Mycroft evacuating John, Mary, Molly and Mrs. Hudson to Transylvania. On top of everything else, John has "post traumatic amnesia".

  • The Road Through Evernight

    Being the third part of the Tales of New Shadow.

  • But God Sees

    Spoilers for His Last Vow. (Written because the ending didn't sit well with me, so I had to add my spin). John slips a letter into Sherlock's sleeve, that he read in the 4 minutes of his exile.

  • The Drums of Stone

    The sequel of "The Tales of New Shadow"