Servant of Fire

  • The Legends Tell of Darkness

    Thousands of years have passed. Albion, and all its many legends, has faded into dark memories of the Ancient World. The Enchanted Forest grows around this. Legends tell the story of a Once and Future King, the one whose worthy birth magic will pass to the Savior. All at once darkness comes for Emma Swan to fight. Merlin escapes his ancient Crystal Prison, and Arthur rises again.

  • Old Enough For Fairy Tales

    "But someday, you will be old enough for fairytales again." Merlin decides he can grieve for Arthur no more and wipes his memory. When he does, strange things start happening around Storybrooke. Meanwhile, Henry befriends the mysterious stranger that he found washed up on the beach.

  • Song of the Stones

    WARNING EXTREMELY SAD AU CONTENT. In which, John goes insane from grief after the R-fall, and Season 3 is actually an illusion he creates in his "Mind Asylum" a version of Sherlock's own, that he created to protect himself from uselessness, with insanity. In which Sherlock didn't survive after all, Mary was dead from the beginning, and Molly saves John's life.*Spoilers for S3*

  • The Akhlys Hour

    The 4th "Major- verse", but can be read alone. 2 weeks after the events of "Baskerville Island", Greg's soon to be ex-wife mysteriously disappears. Sherlock takes the case ,knowing from the outset that something is terribly wrong. When it becomes evident that Greg's wife is trying to kill him, Sherlock will have to find out why, before the stroke of "Akhlys Hour".

  • The Shang-Hai Irregulars

    Major Verse 5 ,can be read alone. Late one night ,while Sherlock is still recovering from the Akhlys serum, Sarah comes to the flat, terrified because Shan's people are back, and tried to abduct her. Sherlock begins to investigate, and soon discovers the reason for their return: The Shang Hai Irregulars, kids who have escaped Black Lotus. DISCONTINUED.

  • Evening and Morning

    AU oneshot. The press ruins John's marriage, and he and Sherlock end up moved back in together on Baker Street. The press abuse leaves Sherlock suicidal. But one night he and John have the same dream...

  • Where Angels Go to Die

    AU . "die" here implying that they die from bliss. A collection of random cases strung together in scenes, showing how Sherlock and John are learning to enjoy life again after the loss of Mary and Baby Watson. Written for the Deductionist, who suggested I write something happy.

  • Learning to Forgive Yourself

    Free-verse about Katniss after the Rebellion. For Ellenka because she encouraged me that the "forest" grows back.

  • Epiphany's Scourge

    The alternate sequel of Epiphany's Child( I deleted the first attempt). 3 months since Lord Moran loaded Sherlock into the back of an armored truck, and hauled him away from John. Now on the verge of insanity our beloved Doctor Watson must face his own Hiatus, scouring the world, as he promised ,to find Sherlock ,when he is captured ( along with Sherlock) by the Ghost People,

  • I Speak of Julius

    AU Set after Hounds. Mycroft is living at the mental institution John works at , and has been for almost a year. When John discovers that the picture of his dead little brother "Bill Watson" is the same exact picture as Mycroft's assumed dead brother ,Sherlock, he goes on a hunt for answers. Sherlock meanwhile tries to solve the location of the cartel he is hostage in.

  • Elsa And the Lion

    Frozen and Narnia but includes all Disney Characters as well. When the palace cook murders Elsa by giving her a poisoned apple, Aslan calls her through her wardrobe. Many years later, Anna breaks into Elsa's room, finds the open wardrobe, and walks right through it. When Anna meets Aslan she learns that He took Elsa away to save her from the White Witch's evil plan for her magic

  • Legend of Drowning Girl

    THIS IS AU. Written for my friend. Ranma's girl form starts developing her own consciousness again, and forcibly leads him back to Spring of Drowning Girl. Ranma speaks with her reflection, to learn that she is Princess Zelda, one of the Peace Children. She has awoken to ask Ranma to help her save Link, her brother, from his cruel mistress Farore,who has made him her "Wolf Slave."

  • Comatose Dialouge

    AU No Slash, written with my best friend. John and the police are looking for a rendered- comatose Sherlock at the bottom of a river, when John starts hearing Sherlock's subconscious thoughts.

  • Dying For Angels

    A look at what Tris' death means for everyone, told in verse.

  • The King Under The Mountain

    A memoir for Thorin, Fili, and Kili. Tauriel and Bilbo sit beneath the oak tree Bilbo planted, and remember.

  • 10 Minutes in the Life of Mycroft Holmes

    AU Post S3. In which Mary's ultimate betrayal nearly ends the world, and Mycroft's loyalty saves it. Also in which, John, Sherlock, and Lady Smallwood deliver Moriarty's baby. Rated T for violence.

  • Moriarty's Island

    Jim steals Sherlock and John from home one night, and press gangs them aboard a ship bound for "Gilligan's Island". Only Gilligan and gang were murdered on said island, 50 years or so ago. Now it's up to Sherlock, with John's help, to solve the murders of the 7 castaways, get them justice, and get home. DISCONTINUED

  • Meet You In The Morning

    AU Hiatus, written for writer's block. The Hiatus entangles Sherlock in the events leading up to London's Armageddon. After he solves a case that saves many London lives, he wakes up with amnesia in a hospital in Jerusalem, being cared for by a certain Army Doctor he doesn't know how well he knows, and loves...(named for an old hymn of the same title)

  • Baskerville Island

    AU. Part of the "Major" series, but can be read alone. John gets a suspicious call from his sister, Harry, and Sherlock discovers that she has programmed a GPS locator to John's phone. That same week, Mycroft asks Sherlock to take a case in the Caribbean, one with modern day rum smugglers. When Sherlock and John are kidnapped, Major and Molly must save them from Baskerville Island.

  • Hansel's Defiance

    AU Sequel to "The Major's Asylum". One dark and stormy night, a man by the alias of Hansel comes to Sherlock for help in freeing his sister from captivity in his father's ex-lover/female psychopath's "simulated fairytale", and to solve the murder of his mother by the same woman. When Sherlock and John go to Finland, they find this woman, and she tells them a secret darker than hers