
  • Reveal-ations: The Dead Are Never Dead To Us

    When his heart stopped, so did theirs – and even if the breath somehow miraculously resumed at some point, everyone in the Hankel house knew right then that something had died in front of them. (A oneshot; the missing team reactions from "Revelations.")

  • Anger

    Their relationship 'hit a rough spot' the moment that Reid's head hit the wall. And suddenly, after the worst happens, it's up to two men very much in love to find their way back to each other. Or can they?

  • Simple Question

    A sonnet detailing Spencer Reid's thoughts on the significance of his existence in the universe; besides being an excuse to stretch out the ole right side of the brain, this is a tag to the episode "True Genius."

  • FanDUMB

    A crush really is just like the soda; a sweet little something that makes the end of the day just so much better. Still, that doesn't mean it's normal to talk about them ON A CASE. Too bad the BAU team never really cared about 'normal.'

  • In Genius

    Two geniuses walk into a bar . . . Sounds like the setup of a bad joke. But what happens when Spencer Reid and Sherlock Holmes meet for the first time?

  • Reveal-ations: Reclamations

    "We fear violence less than our own feelings. Personal, private, solitary pain is more terrifying than anything anyone else can ever inflict." – Jim Morrison. Wise words. But does you do when the pain is real, right there, in front of you, monstrous, and slowly but surely killing every last inch of every last piece of what remains of you? What then?

  • Time

    Nine months since Reid stopped talking to his best friend. Seven months since Peter realized he was no ordinary human. Five months since Sylar made murder his primary goal in life. And in Odessa, Texas, while re-investigating the deaths of several people with 'abilities,' all of their worlds come crashing together into a true-form nightmare. (Part of my "Leap of Faith" universe.)

  • Demons

    Years after the fact, Reid reflects on everything that happened to him in Georgia as he sits in the car and listens to the radio one afternoon. A character study, totally inspired by the work "Solivagant" by silverwrym; oneshot. (No, not slash . . .)

  • L-O-V-E

    It's just a four-letter word, right? So how come a certain BAU genius has never said it to one Derek Morgan? (Slash, of course. Oneshot, of course!)

  • Something Obvious

    Sometimes, love comes softly; other times, it's as plain as day. Either way, that first time that you open your heart, really open your heart, and let someone inside, it should knock you off your ass and take over your life. Because all love is is a little piece of insanity. Isn't that obvious?

  • Reveal-ations: Something Wicked

    Double, double, toil and trouble . . . but there were no witches that night in the Hankle cornfield; just a federal agent, and an unsub with three different personalities. This is the missing scene from "Revelations," the night that Spencer Reid was kidnapped . . . (Oneshot).