

  • Into the Black

    "Lumos," Harry whispered, but it did no good. The darkness surrounded him, preventing him from seeing two feet in front of his face despite his wand shining dimly in front of him.

  • a call to the soldiers (the young, the innocent, and righteous)

    The first thing he noticed when he woke up was how cold it was. The second was that he couldn't feel his body. And the third? He wasn't breathing.

  • Love's Perfect Ache

    Queenie's never been a delicate girl. She may flirt, and bat her eyes at all the boys, but she can be tough when she needs to be.

  • rare is this love (keep it covered)

    Dean refused to let Seamus throw his life away over something that should never have happened in the first place.

  • here they sang about tomorrow

    The worst thing, Harry decides, is not the memories, or the grief, or the guilt that threatens to tear him apart. It's the silence.

  • Angel of Small Death

    Sirius does not fear that flash of lime-green light that has claimed the lives of so many whom he loved.

  • hero (n)

    Jacob Kowalski is many things, but a hero is not one of them.

  • To Find A Friend

    Viktor had not expected to make friends during the Triwizard Tournament. That he made friends with one Fleur Delacour was the biggest surprise of them all.

  • Of Magic and Muggles

    After witnessing several unexplainable occurrences, the neighbours had all agreed it. There was something just not quite right about little Hermione Granger.

  • we built this house on memories

    Molly keeps all the badges in a box, sitting innocuously on an already cluttered shelf. She takes them out from time to time, and is proud all over again as she remembers his children's achievements.

  • tonight we are victorious

    After the war, and the grief, England's streets were filled with wizarding folk, partying long into the night. Hogwarts was no exception.

  • unimaginable

    Ginny had thought that they were lucky. That they had managed to escape this war without losing a brother, a husband, a son. She had thought foolishly.

  • The Greater Good

    There are many things the history books do not say about the infamous duel between Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald. Among these is one very significant truth - Grindelwald did not lose.

  • creeps in this petty pace

    Ginny groaned and held her head in her hands. It felt like she'd been working in her family's coffee shop for a veritable eternity, but the clock told her it had only been thirty minutes. (Luna/Ginny, coffee shop Muggle AU)

  • darling so it goes

    Growing up, Queenie had imagined all sorts of love stories for herself. One or two of them had even involved a dashing No-Maj sweeping her off her feet, laws be damned. Never would she have imagined falling in love with Jacob Kowalski, but it seemed as though they were meant to be.

  • no place i'd rather be

    If someone had asked Lily how she thought her seventh year was going to go, she would have told you that she'd be focusing on her N.E.W.Ts and her duties as Head Girl. Never in her wildest dreams would she have thought that she'd be out on a date with James Potter.

  • tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow

    When the sun rises over Paris the morning after Grindelwald changed the world, the city seems normal. But of course it does; Newt doesn't know what he had been expecting.

  • time of death

    At 8:25 pm on October 31st, a group of armed men broke into James and Lily Potter's house. By 8:29, James Potter was dead.

  • tastes like heaven

    Ginny cannot cook. Last time she tried, it ended with Molly banishing her from the kitchen forever. Which is why she is incredibly lucky to have a girlfriend like Luna, who can apparently whip up a delicious meal out of literally nowhere - a handy skill for a student.

  • be kind, always

    Leta Lestrange is not used to kindness.