
  • Cold Case

    Summary: Alfred Jones is a new detective sent to solve a cold case that was abandoned twelve years ago.; He needs to find out why Arthur Kirkland committed suicide. However, as Alfred gets drawn in further to his case, he finds himself learning that the case never went cold. And that Arthur never actually died. UsUk.

  • Someone else's actions

    When did you get so smart Gin?" he asks, as he kisses her softly on the lips. "I guess we all learn things Harry," Ginny responds with a small laugh when they break apart, "I've just learnt this."

  • Everlasting

    The whole world is everlasting, even though the lives of people all around eventually blossoms to an end. Series of One-shots based on all the Harry Potter characters. Chapter 1 - George W. Rose W.

  • Fighting the Odds

    Victorian Britain - When Sirius Black's parents go overseas so his father can fight in the British Army, Sirius stays with the Potter's. He meets several people - The Potter's son, James, Stable boy, Remus Lupin. and Lily Evans, the maid who Sirius reckons James' crushes on. But something sinister is going on in the city around them, and it's up to the four to figure out what. AU.

  • Addiction

    They say all drugs change you - maybe they do. Oneshot.

  • Bronze

    He doesn't really mind that he's third-place-bronze, because well, at least he's up on the scoreboard, right? Drabble.

  • Wedding Bells

    In the midst of all of the beauty of the hall – a beautiful church – Dominique looks out for his face. She looks out for her fiancés face, her soon to be husband's face. Drabble.

  • Bound

    Azkaban really changes you in a way – hearing the wife muttering in her cell (because Bellatrix hasn't ever been sane,) and remembering every terrible moment in your life because of dementors – it's inevitable really. Drabble.

  • Labels

    He's so mediocre and normal... and well, everyone in his family isn't. Drabble.

  • Scale

    You're lost in a scale of colours aren't you dear? And oh, don't let him rain on your parade - because you've got the colour, and you're practically a rainbow,

  • The Dance Macabre

    Death is but a celebration, and you and I the hosts. !Freeverse

  • Love, Death and Immortality

    Lily wished for him to disappear - and now he has. From everyone else but her. Now a ghost, James Potter must learn that sometimes to grow up you need to distance yourself from the things that matter.

  • Amber Leaves

    When Sirius receives a letter, it makes no sense. Until Remus notices that there is a hidden message inside it. The marauders have ninety-six hours to discover what it means - and what they have to do from there. AU. (Permanent Hiatus)

  • Clichéd

    Lorcan doesn't want to live a life of Clichés. One-shot.

  • Pushing the Limits

    Muggle AU. In which Lily Evans goes undercover to find evidence against the gang who killed her son's father. The gang in question? The Marauders. The only problem is that there are only three people who know who the boss of the Marauders is: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and lastly: James Potter. Gang!AU

  • A Study in Death

    After dying at the battle of Hogwarts, Fred finds himself in the afterlife. The strange thing however, is that instead of moving on, he finds himself getting dragged into an organisation. An organisation that plan to defy death and cheat the system. An organisation that aren't quite dead. AU.

  • Learning the Basics

    Lily Evans is a nursery teacher. James Potter is a police officer with a five year old son. When James finds himself wrapped in a case, Lily finds herself falling for a certain someone, and looking after his son much more often. AU.

  • I Feel Like A Hippogriff

    In which an eleven year old Remus Lupin learns never to trust the Prewett twins. Oneshot

  • A Doctor's Oath

    Lily Evans is a nurse, working under the arrogant, emotionless Dr. Potter. However when one of his best-friends gets rushed to the E.R, will Lily realize that maybe this Doctor isn't so heartless after all?

  • Another Oath

    Second in the 'An Oath' series. James Potter is at a stalemate. At nineteen, he swore to an oath that he would forever remain a bachelor. But now... he's getting married? Lily Evans - his fiancé - is ecstatic. However, will they even make it to the wedding when secrets start coming out? AU.