

  • The Cure for What Ails You

    Spike is poisoned by a demon and there's only one cure... Angel's blood. But just how does Willow fit into all this? *Set in Season 4 of BTVS* (Contains hints of Angel/Spike and Angel/Willow)

  • In the Shadow of the Dead

    (Written for the Which Willow fic fest prompt: What if Willow had been the one to stake Jesse) *Set right after the events of The Harvest* She might not have meant to, but she killed her best friend. Now she's back at the scene of the crime and it's as if nothing happened here at all... at least to everyone but Willow. Oh, and some strange guy in the alley behind The Bronze.

  • The One Who Can Smile

    *Set post NFA* In the aftermath of the battle she never got fight and mourning the life she never had the chance to save, Willow's in Vegas and meets the last person she ever expected. *No comic canon whatsoever*