
  • Bear the Brunt

    Based on LilacMermaid25's prompt on tumblr: Mac manages to restrain herself from hitting Will (barely), but not everyone on their staff can contain themselves when they see him being mean to her.

  • Severus Snape: Cupid Incarnate

    Suffice to say, Severus Snape does not enjoy the day of love. A short ficlet for a five things prompt that should've been posted about a month ago.

  • Momentum

    Beginning from the outset of Sharon and Andy's relationship (post S3 Finale) and following its path as it gains momentum. Fluffy.

  • It's Quixotic?

    Snapshots of Will's thoughts about Mackenzie throughout the series. Each chapter will tag to the episodes sequentially.

  • Protecting them Diligently

    Sharon has always been immensely protective of those she loves. Set pre-series, during The Closer (features Brenda LJ) /Major Crimes and post Season 3 MC. Oneshot.

  • Keefer Family Portrait

    The progression of Sloan and Don's relationship, post-series (written for my secret santa over on Tumblr, sloansabbith). Incredibly fluffy.

  • Physical Laws (of the Universe)

    A/U where Charlie and Will have the conversation that prompts Will's realisation after the election broadcast is over. Based on LilacMermaid25's Prompt on Tumblr: When Will goes to propose to Mac, she is already packing up her office.

  • Robes

    Mac keeps stealing Will's robe, so he decides to do something about it. Fluff

  • Contracts & Clauses

    "Well then, as your boss, consider this the end of your working week. You're fired, Mackenzie." Oneshot. (I sort of suck at summaries, I'm afraid.)