
  • I'm Not Like You: Pitch's Daughter

    300 years after The Guardians defeated Pitch, Pitch found an abounded baby, Lily, and took her in as his own. He kept her in darkness and taught her that the Guardians were myths. She lived there, alone, in darkness, for 12 years, but on her 13th birthday, everything changed. She found out that she wasn't Pitch's daughter, and ran away, to find where she really belongs.

  • Fear

    Fear. Fear is what Ashley Payton has lived off her whole life. With her parents dying when she was a newborn, she raised herself. And now she is finding out the real meaning of life, while it is being taken away from her. Read my story and travel with Ashley through loss, love, and revenge.

  • A Divergent Story: Rebecca

    In the world of Divergent, Rebecca takes her aptitude test to see where she belongs. When she discovers what she is, she becomes the most powerful person in the world. Find out where she belongs in A Divergent Story: Rebecca. Oh, and Peter is her brother, but I forgot he came from Candor when I finished writing it, so just pretend he came from Abnegation.