
  • The Writer's Dilemma

    Esme and Carlisle are in need of some private alone time. When the doctor sets up a week of pleasure. things start looking up, until the unexpected occurs. A scary look into Cumor's head. o.O One-shot. Rated for sexual content and BDSM themes. Not your cup of tea, please try something else.

  • Second Chances

    In the late 1700s, while working on a cure for a devastating human disease, Carlisle suddenly finds himself trapped in the body of a child and faces the frightening prospect of having to relive his childhood. Will things be better the second time around? Will contain incidents of mild corporal punishment. If this is upsetting to you, please don't read.

  • To Change the World

    One shot. Michael falls for a pretty face with repercussions that will lead to the salvation of the world. Set partly pre-Legion, and more currently, slightly pre-Dominion. Tom Wisdom's voice got trapped in my head, and I had to write this just to get it out, so please bear with me.

  • Whips and Promises

    A little one-shot inspired by SyFyDiva's story "Repercussions." A window into Michael's thoughts immediately following Alex's punishment during the pilot episode, with my own little warped speculation throw in for good measure.

  • Fair Play

    When Emmett's playful nature leads to trouble at the County Fair, Edward pays the price. It's not always easy being the big brother to an overgrown newborn, but someone has to do it. Warning: Contains disciplinary spanking of a teenage vampire. If you find this offensive, please feel free to move along to a more suitable story. Thank you.

  • After the Flood : A Lesson in Mercy

    What happened to Michael as he lay dying in the desert after Gabriel and Uriel put an end to his rampage? How did the Wrath of God become the protector of mankind?

  • Even Mothers Make Mistakes

    When the stress from a bad day causes Esme to do the unthinkable, how can the loving mother hope to conquer her guilt and repair the damage done to her family? Warning: Contains non-sexual spanking of a consenting adult. Not your cup of tea? Turn away now before it's too late.

  • Singing The Blues

    When a prank doesn't go as planned, Emmett finds himself in hot water. ... Imagine that. No warnings needed for this one. Just a small glimpse as to why, sometimes, it just isn't grand to be Carlisle Cullen.

  • Hijinks From the Heart

    Emmett and the Crew decide to bring the magic of Christmas to children in need. When their hijinks land them in trouble, it is up to Carlisle to sort things out and redirect his family's helpful nature to ensure a merry Christmas for all. This was my submission to "Christmas Wishes 2013"; a project to raise money for Toys for Tots. It's very much Emmy approved. ;-)

  • The Potions Master's Apprentice

    Severus is looking for his replacement so maybe he can finally get that DADA job. His choice is a highly spirited woman who he sees as a value to the Order, but can he tame her enough to teach her and what may he about her and himself along the way?


  • The Honorable Son

    Severus finds that Draco is in need of a lesson but when Lucius comes to his son's rescue what will the out come be?

    Just one of those little thoughts floating around in my head that had to get out. Of course any character that you reconize does not be

  • Shadows of A Dark Past

    A memory comes back to haunt and test Severus. Will he be up to the challenge?