
  • Whisper meets Constantine

    With Whisper working on developing on his craft, Russell Madison meets up with, The Master of Dark Arts, John Constantine himself.

  • A Date with Death

    Bruce Wayne hires a new secretary. Whom as Batman, saved from the street of Gotham. Now with a new villainess in Gotham, Wayne must know if this woman is a friend or foe.

  • Young Bruce Wayne and Russell Madison

    This little series will depict of a young Wayne and Madison on how they've met and were friends at one point before the death of Bruce's parents death.

  • Whispers meets Red Robin

    Whisper and Sinful Kitten are heading to Mexico for Spring Break they met up with Gotham's Red Robin AKA Tim Drake. With drugs being smuggled across the border who is really behind the dealing?

  • Superman Meets Whisper

    At the night of his animal charity fundraiser, Russell Madison has a terrible vision of him being assassinated by a mysterious woman. Knowing that the show must go on, Russell proceeds with cautious while meeting new friends and old alike.

  • Whisper meets Batman

    How will Batman take on this new phantom creature? Will he treat him friend or foe?