
  • Buckingham Green

    A story about a young girl whose dreams are suddenly shattered. (songfic)

  • Rosline Eating Castles from Outer Space

    A Halloween zombie songfic. Rated T because the zombies wouldn't let me make it K . Hope you enjoy!

  • Pulsar: The Awakening

    The end is drawing near, nearer than expected. The thin curtain between peaceful everyday life and full-on Armageddon is a select few oh-so-average civilians. With the fate of the world in their hands, they must destroy a merciless being of great power, unknown before now. (Pokespe AU rewrite)

  • Angel With A Shotgun

    A little Commonershipping one-shot I threw together for Valentine's Day. Hope you enjoy!

  • Black Pearl

    Welcome to a hell worse than anything you could have imagined. Everything you once knew is stripped of you, and contact with the outside world is completely cut off. You work to the bone, and then work even more. All hope is lost, and it's never coming back. Welcome to Black Pearl. (Animal Crossing OC story, SUBMIT OCS, coming eventually)

  • The Happenings of StarClan

    This is what happens in StarClan when they're not watching over the Clans, according to two fans. Currently featuring Bluestar and co.! WARNING: May contain minor spoilers. Or major. Depends on whether you've read the books.

  • Ravenpaw's Nightmare

    You've gotta feel bad for the guy. I mean, not only is he just really shy, he's also gotta deal with knowing that his own mentor killed a cat, and he can't say anything. One of MANY English projects to die on the internet. Songfic. Rater K for violence and implied death.

  • Pulsar

    The Pulsar. It's the ultimate source of energy in the known universe. So, what happens when it gets in the hands of humans? The world is changed forever, that's what happens. But what were to happen if it came again? Based off the song Pulsar by Shirl Jae Atwell. Somehow it turned into a Pokespe AU. Further details inside. DISCONTINUED AND REWRITTEN.