
  • To Forgive

    'The four left the throne room, leaving behind the seemingly lifeless sorcerer. But if they had lingered behind a few moments longer, they might have sensed the ominous aura coming from Yuga's body.' — An AU of A Link Between World's ending, with Yuga having survived the final battle. Warning: major spoilers.

  • Fabricated World

    'It's not long before the two realize they're very much in the same situation. So they form a companionship, more than happy to have someone by their side in this nightmarish world.' — A retelling of the events from 'Ib.'

  • Just a Boy

    'Since Ganondorf's return, the world's fate has been placed in jeopardy. Yet here is Link, goofing off like there is no immediate danger. And perhaps there isn't, not for now.' — As Link sails, the King of Red Lions ponders the boy's childish actions.

  • Poisonous Attraction

    'She was the sole ruler of Lorule. She couldn't afford to get ill, not when her people needed her most.' — A deadly plague has made its way in the land of Lorule, and Princess Hilda must find a cure before it wipes everyone out, including herself. Pairing: Hilda/Yuga (Yugilda). Warning: major spoilers.