
  • Love Fest: Request Edition

    A continuation of my 'Love Fest' story- only this time I will be taking requests for pairings with Elena along with writing my own oneshots. *Fandoms I will take requests for listed at the end of first chapter*

  • Love Fest

    A pairing involving Elena for each day until Valentine's Day. Crossover with the fandoms NCIS, Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, Lord of the Rings, Criminal Minds, and Being Human (UK). *May include a sequel of sorts if enough people are interested*

  • Redefining Reality

    Regina ends up adopting a young Elena and Jeremy after their parents' deaths. Elena now in her early twenties, has never really thought Henry's stories about their adopted mother may prove true until the curse is broken. But with the discovery of her doppelganger lineage and the addition of an infuriatingly charming pirate it proves the least of her worries.

  • Blood, Love, and Gold

    Quetsiyah sends both Elena and the cure to Middle-earth as part of her revenge against Silas. Gandalf promises to send her back if she joins him on a quest with thirteen dwarves and a hobbit- but will she want to after meeting and eventually falling for Thorin Oakenshield, King under the Mountain?

  • The Captain and His Doppelganger

    A series of drabbles and oneshots revolving around the pairing of Elena Gilbert and Captain James T. Kirk. Mainly set in the Star Trek: 2009 universe. *Title may change* Caution: may include spoilers.

  • Twist of Events

    He gave her the stars, the universe, new worlds... a chance to escape, and in turn she healed the lingering wounds of war. It was amazing what a different time, a different place, a different person, can do for one's destiny.

  • A Wedding

    They both had only dreamed this day would happen to them, and now that it was could think of no other person they would rather share this experience with. Or, Elena and McGee's wedding day.

  • Protect Her

    She was his angel- his light, and now one of the only things he had left. And he would protect her no matter what- search the corner of the galaxy and then some if he had to in order to do so. *Set in Star Wars universe- AU* (Title may change)