
  • Camouflage

    Glory's ritual to summon a Key-seeking snake gets interrupted by Xander which, with his luck, means most of the magic gets grounded through him.

  • A Virus Bonded to Magic

    A wish brings the Human-Metahuman Vampiric Virus from the techno-savvy reality of Shadowrun to Cleveland's Hellmouth.

  • Isolation

    This time through, the Halloween spell has trapped the gang within some very personal hallucinations. Woe to the world around them.

  • Stability

    Stargate Command has discovered a sequence that can hijack wormholes already open on Earth. Of course, ritually summoned portals tend not to occur frequently nor last very long when charged...

  • Nights: Welcome to the Bar

    Written for Methos' "Tales from the Barman". There's a meme where Xander opens a bar and listens to the stories of everyone who passes by. Today, apparently, there's quite a crowd...