

  • Strong

    Totally AU JJ is a vampire assassin and Emily is the lone wolf that someone wants dead but could things really be that easy for the vampire? Jemily, femslash, if you don't like don't read. Je suis Charlie

  • Andraste

    Totally AU JJ is a former wild child rock star who has been stalked for years. Spencer Reid is her half brother, Hotch her manager and still married to Haley. After Emily's almost fatal fight with Doyle she leaves the FBI to start a high end high security security firm. She is joined by her best friends Morgan and Garcia

  • Prentiss and Isles

    Jane has left to be a General's wife, leaving Maura crushed. A former FBI agent with a sad past joins BPD to be reborn in the city she died in. There will be no Jemily or Rizzles. This is Maura and Emily's story. If you don't like that idea or femslash don't read. Be open minded and give it a go

  • 2 Vile on the Streets

    Follows straight on from The Great Zombie Hunt. Rapists are being murdered in the back alleys of New York. Old friends return and alliances destroyed as the team is shattered into a million pieces and will one member survive with their life. Jemily don't like don't read

  • 1 The Great Zombie Hunt

    Set after the episode JJ. JJ asks Emily for a favour to stop her being transferred to the State Dept. Will be femslash; don't like don't read. Spoilers up to JJ and for 200

  • Body Double

    Jane and co are called to a murder scene in Beacon Hill on the evening of Maura's return from a conference in Paris. Femslash if you don't like don't read. Rizzles

  • Passion Never Dies

    Au Tara left after Wrecked to go to England with Giles, set 5 years later

  • Twisted

    Tara is dead but someone wants her back

  • Girls on Film

    I swear to god, I am going to shoot Strauss this time," Emily screamed. Established Jemily, femslash

  • Encounter

    Even apart Tara and Willow need each other. Femslash don't like don't read

  • Band of Brigands

    You have fought for your god, King and country. You return home to find your land stolen by greedy cowards, who tax the poor to starvation. You're a knight who fought in the Crusades, you are now a criminal. Steal from the rich to take care of your village. Loosely based on the legends of Robin Hood. Jemily don't like femslash don't read

  • Broken Lives

    Faith is on the run with the daughter of her watcher after she was murdered by Kakistos. The two make their way to Sunnydale as they were ordered by the watcher Rhiannon Maclay. AU Season 3 with a less alienated but still damaged Faith and a still shy witch called Tara. The relationships will all start of as canon for Season 3 but there will be femslash.

  • Convergence

    Sunnydale refuses to allow the BAU to investigate its freakishly high death rate. However a request from the local university to look at the welfare of one of its students gives them a small window of opportunity to investigate; what will Emily, JJ and Spencer find? Jemily, femslash don't like don't read

  • Hunger For You

    Strange murders start to happen all over Boston. Silver seems to be the weapon can Dr Isles figure it before Detective Rizzoli becomes a victim, with her strange allergy to the metal paralysing her brain. Knowing the infamous serial killer Charles Hoyt knows her secret could one of his apprentices be behind the attacks. Femslash with eventual Rizzles, if you don't like like move on

  • Hunger In Me

    New Agent Emily Prentiss is from a very old family indeed. AU and femslash so if you don't like don't read. Pairing JJ and Emily Prentiss

  • A Party to Boston

    The BAU are called to Boston on a case where Emily bumps into an old friend, all sorts of secrets come out. Not part of the Hunger series. Slightly au Emily didn't leave to go back to Interpol. Femslash as always Jemily and Rizzles, if you don't like the idea don't read

  • I am Weak and Twisted

    One shot set during Emily's forced wondering around Europe FEMSLASH; don't like don't read

  • The Blackbird Sings to the Shattered Heart

    Spoilers up to 200. Would JJ get over her ordeal so easily? And what if Emily stayed. Warnings will explore dark issues, Femslash, if you don't like don't read. JJ/ E Prentiss

  • Rainy Days and Steamy Nights

    Set during 200 giving a reason why Prentiss has to get back to the UK so quickly.

  • Stay

    Spoilers up to 200. Emily asks JJ for one last dance, but where will it lead. It seems that I had another couple of songs that waved at me and needed included. The second part is M for sexual content.