Jarris Shepard

  • To Make Him Understand

    a drabble that came to me when curiosity over rode good sense and i peeked at the end quest for romancing blackwall in DAI. crap title, can't think of a good one.got an idea for one leave it in a review. I'll give credit to the submitter.

  • To Save A Lost Soul

    Just my way of keeping the show alive way back when. tries to be cannonish, but fails after things were revealed at the end of the show. actually written during the last season run of B5. 10/2015 Updated, added chapters so it wasn't so daunting to read.

  • To Save A Lost Soul II

    continues part 1...much longer...again written many years ago.

  • Fears and Desires

    Slight spoilers this time. I'll make a spoiler page so you have the chance to turn back.

  • The Moments We Didn't See

    one shot chapters that deal with some of the things that might have happened between the scenes of the games. I don't know if it will ever be complete. I'm trying to keep them chronologically ordered as I post. Read and review please I like to know what people think. If you have a request or idea for a moment send me a message or leave it in a review.

  • Memories Realized

    one shot fluff between Amanda and Lee.

  • Cloned Lessons

    Q tries to force the command team together. Rating mostly K until much later.

  • John's Letter for Delenn

    short one shot. Delenn recieves a letter after John passes beyond.

  • Signals

    Posted this eons ago under Phax Halfelven, but can't access that handle on this site any longer so I am re-posting this under the new name. It is based on the early 80's cartoon. As far as I'm concerned that's the only G.I. Joe toon worth watching.

  • Signals Homecoming

    This is the all audiences approved version of the sequel to Signals.

  • Signals Homecoming Extended Cut

    This is the mature audiences only version. Mostly the same as the all ages version except for the bonus scene, and yes I could break that scene off and add it as another chapter. Psh, too lazy for that right now.

  • Impressions of a Future Perfect

    Cover Girl and Beach Head argue, and Cover Girl gets a flash forward to what is possible in their future. T rating is for some mild swearing, that Cover Girl has a mouth on her.

  • An Evening of Relaxation

    Duke pampers his favorite gal at the end of a long day. Short, sweet and fluffy. Remember, I grew up on the Joe cartoon in the 80s and on that cartoon Duke and Scarlett had the relationshippy connection, not Scarlett and Snake Eyes. In fact, I can't really enjoy the comics where Snakes is paired with Scarlett because the memory of Duke with Scarlett is so deeply ingrained.

  • Wyvern's Sting

    Lee and Amanda take in a lost boy and protect him. I don't make money from stories posted here. This was written many many years ago for a mailing list, and I never got around to posting it here.

  • Changes of Heart

    Demona changes her ways. Disclaimer: I neither own nor profit from any Gargoyles fiction I upload here. All of them belong to Disney, only the stories are mine. This is completed, I think.