Iffy Jr

  • Fine

    Derek/Stiles post-season 3a PWP. "Stiles, Isaac, and Cora were all hit with a blast of magic that turned them into their opposite genders. It didn't take long to come up with the antidote for it, but when Derek shows up to give the drink to Stiles it gets…put aside. Apparently Stiles smells good. Apparently he's always smelt good? Doesn't matter, had sex." COMPLETE.

  • Accidents Happen

    Derek/Stiles post-season 3a. "Deaton managed to get Stiles in on a little experiment of his that involves mixing all sorts of things with wolfsbane to see what effects they'll have on the werewolves… Stiles may or may not be way more adamant about it than he should be." COMPLETE.

  • Like Heaven

    Derek/Stiles post-season 3a. "I love you." That's what Derek said two days ago, and Stiles hasn't left his room since. What are you supposed to say to that when you're not ready for it? Stiles was literally wiping vampire gunk off of his hands and Derek just threw it out like a gunshot. COMPLETE.

  • I'm Not Addicted Yet

    Derek/Stiles rent boy AU. "Stiles smokes, cuts, and sells himself for a place to stay—and honestly, he enjoys the men he gets. But then he meets Derek… A big, gentle man with a cigarette. He couldn't resist. Derek just wants Stiles to have a place to stay at first, but Stiles never did like sleeping alone. Oh well, he's not addicted… Yet." COMPLETE.

  • Howl of the Dragon

    Derek/Stiles royalty AU. "5 kingdoms rule the land of Beacon, but only 2 of them actively socialize. Stiles is a dragon and Derek is a werewolf, and while their friendship isn't forbidden, it IS frowned upon—especially because they're both royalty who should be setting examples for the others. Rules never stopped anybody, though, and it certainly won't stop a secret." COMPLETE.

  • Strawberry Fields

    George/Draco. "The only way for George to get over Fred's death is to find love. But when his wooing goes drasticaly awry, he decides that he's okay with just making a friend as well. Until being just friends becomes not enough, of course."

  • Hell to Pay

    Harry/Draco. "A magical world set in the 1700s, Harry Potter stumbles upon Draco Malfoy thanks to his simply being hungry. He's never really liked the blonde, but what will happen when the Slytherin is a lot closer to a Hufflepuff than Harry ever realized?" COMPLETE.

  • A Different Sort of World

    HPDM. OOC/AU-ish but not really. Complete. "What happens when parallel universes really do exist? What happens when the rulers of those universes conspire against those that they rule over?" COMPLETE.