Lord Rebecca-sama

  • Tales of the Verse

    Ever since she was little, Alexis was told of the Verse. As she got older, she learned that there was a bit more to it than just a story that her dad made up when she was six. Oneshot. Complete.

  • How to Become a Famous Pirate in Three Easy Steps

    Mary "Mark" Read comes onto Calico's ship and meets Anne Bonny, not knowing that it would be the start of a relationship that defies all logic. Women as pirates? How can that be! COMPLETE.

  • What is Revealed to Us

    The dreams started when I was really young. Dreams of another world full of magic and best friends who have green skin. After years of living with that, my sister having ice powers wasn't such a big deal. If only she would stay and listen a minute. Anna is Glinda, Elsa is Elphaba. Complete. Oneshot.

  • The Women of Firefly

    I had to write a paper for my Study in Film Aesthetics class, so I wrote about Firefly. If the title doesn't give it away, I examine how the four key women in Firefly are strong women who know what they want out of life.

  • Avengers Against Humanity

    It's Tony's turn to pick the game for Avengers Game Night. This week: Cards Against Humanity. The game doesn't go quite as he planned. Completed.