
  • PSASBR - Episode 4: Body Switching Disaster

    Hey Everyone, for some of you that had coursework and exams I hope it went well for you guys. Also two people told me to make a story about the all stars switching their bodies, it was a good idea and I got some help so thank you to N kirby and Ayuki Karpy for your ideas. I hope you enjoy this next episode.

  • PSASBR - Episode 8: Return of the All-Stars

    So now Pupuru is going to join the fight, Isaac and Pupuru will work together to take down the clone from invading their home and save the All-Stars but now a new character is also gong to join them too and also the All-Stars group. Enjoy :)

  • PlayStation All-Stars Battle Academy

    Join Sir Daniel as he is invited to the Playstation All-Stars Academy and gets to meet the original cast of All-Stars and some new All-Stars too. Sir Daniel wants to become a really great warrior but in order to prove that he makes some friends and gets to help to be come greatest hero ever. Not just at the Academy or in Gallowmere but also in the whole Playstation Universe.

  • PSASBR - Episode 9: Training & Prepairing

    The All-Stars need to train very hard before Polygon Man makes his next move.

  • PSASBR - Character and Stage List

    I wanted to write down a list of characters from different games who I wanted to join the Playstation All-Stars group and my stories, I've even done stages that should've been created or I created myself. So here it is, have a read and see what you think of my work. Enjoy.

  • PSASBR - Episode 7: The Polygon Man Strikes Back

    So now Isaac's vision has show him that the Polygon Man has returned. His vision has taken him to his base. The Polygon Man has told him his evil plans. So what will happen next? Lets see.

  • PSASBR - Episode 6: A New Vision

    Good job to the All-Stars who dealt with the zombies, skeletal warriors and archers, Imps and Mecha Imp. Thank you Nathan, Sly, Nariko, Parappa, Big Daddy and Sackboy for dealing with the problem for Sir Daniel. So the All-Stars have done a few crazy things in the past episodes but now that the Polygon Man has returned things are now starting to get more interesting. Enjoy :)

  • PSASBR - Episode 5: Treasure Hunt Race

    Hey everyone here's my next chapter for Play Station All-Stars Battle Royale. I hope you guys like my previous episode on Valentines day, It was short I know so I apologize for that. I wasn't able to do much stories on PSASBR since I have exams in my way. But I hope you enjoy this episode and I'll speak to you guys later.

  • PSASBR - Valentine's Day

    Here's my Valentines Day special episode, sorry for handing this in late by the way. I haven't been putting more action into my stories but later on I'll have some episodes doing some fighting instead of talking a lot and get some more All-Stars. One other thing, this story maybe short so I apologize for that as well, but hope you enjoy this episode