AU. Café Kipferl is new in town. Baroness Schrader decides to satisfy her sweet tooth and is met with quite a challenge. Femslash
From the TV series. There's only one woman that can make Siuan relax. Smut. Femslash
AU. Vague pre-war time period. Tour guide Maria meets perfume business owner the Baroness. What will happen? (Femslash)
AU. Hecate is fed up with taking chances and getting nowhere. But destiny has a trick in store for her (WW 2017) (WW 1998)
Liesel never forgot her first love
From the TV series. Siuan isn't feeling well. Moiraine knows how to help. Smut. Femslash
Reverend Mother was never to forget Maria
Serena needs a change
To her surprise, Maria quite likes being a plaything. Serious smut
Maria is learning such a lot since leaving the convent, thanks to the Baroness (Femslash)
Warwick got more than he bargained for that night. Concetta had other ideas. Smut
Minerva is not happy
Malfoy has an unusual guilty pleasure
Miscellaneous oneshot. HB alone with her thoughts & feline envy
Miss Hardbroom is an intrigue to all. Conversation ensues. Oneshot
Blaise drabble, he secretly longs for something he can't have
A very gay Yuletide
Helga Hufflepuff's drabble
When Elphaba visits Avaric, they pass an evening in his study with some edibles. Slight mishmash of a chapter in the book
A poem about Mrs Pepperpot