Hot elf

  • A Different World

    After the defeat of Corypheus, Eve Trevelyan is getting bored and restless. But when Varric and Morrigan take her on an unexpected journey through the eluvian, things turn out far more surprising than she could have imagined in her wildest dreams. Time/world travel AU.

  • No Place I'd Rather Be

    When Ella Cousland moves into her first real apartment in Ostagar, she's glad to have some help from the guys next door - especially from Alistair. Modern AU.

  • Saving It All for You

    Vega has to leave the Normandy for a while to complete his N7 training, and he misses Shepard. A lot. Fortunately, this makes their reunion all the sweeter. Set post-game, sort of sequel to "With All Due Respect", so slightly AU. Not a lot of plot.

  • Under the Sea

    AU where Carver Hawke goes overboard on the voyage to Kirkwall and is rescued by a beautiful mermaid. When she takes him home, he quickly realizes that things are very different among the merfolk... First posted as Day 6 of the "Challenge on Infinite Earths", now a full story.

  • Still Not Enough?

    Susannah Shepard is a victim of her hormones. It's a good thing James is ready to help her out. Shepard and Vega from "With All Due Respect", but really, this is just a bit of fluff. Cover art by the awesome queendread.

  • A Silent Spectator

    Tabby Hawke and Isabela meet a certain Antivan assassin on Sundermount, and proceed to work out a mutually beneficial arrangement.

  • Wish You Were Here

    Shepard works too hard, and Kaidan can't persuade her to take a break and relax. Fortunately Thane has a few helpful suggestions.

  • Teach Me Some Moves

    Isabela is shocked to discover that Hawke's sweet little sister has no idea how to defend herself and proceeds to teach her some moves. Things take an unxepected turn when Fenris and Sebastian show up and get involved. This is set in the same universe as "Antivan Nights", but you don't need to read one story to understand the other. There isn't a lot of plot anyway...

  • All Too Human

    Megan Cousland and Nathaniel Howe are invited to a royal banquet in Denerim. When they get bored with the conversation at dinner, they have other ideas to spice up the evening. Gorgeous cover art by chenria.

  • A Dream Come True

    Megan Cousland and Nathaniel Howe are stars living in luxury and enjoying the perks of their status. Carver Hawke is just glad to have landed a job as a security guard, where he can be close to his idols. Until he meets them in person, and things get even more interesting... Another silly crossover featuring Megan, Nate and Carver.

  • Without Brakes

    When James Vega meets Ashley Williams at Shepard's party in the Citadel apartment, sparks fly immediately. As they get to know each other better, they both realize that this could be more than just a quick fling… Written for the 2014 Mass Effect Big Bang. Art by the wonderful CalypsoTea.

  • The Invitation

    NOW WITH BONUS CHAPTER: When Harry runs into Draco Malfoy in the showers after a friendly Quidditch game, he's surprised to receive a very cordial invitation for dinner at Malfoy Manor. And there are more surprises in store... Set ten years after the war, and yes, I'm completely ignoring the epilogue.

  • None the Worse for Wear

    Sequel to "Sexy Santa", set about a year later. Alistair and Zevran have happily settled down into a relationship. When Alistair discovers his budding interest in his old friend Cullen, he finds to his surprise that Zevran is far more relaxed about the whole thing than he expected.

  • Sexy Santa

    Modern AU in which the DA crew have a themed Christmas party that leads to all kinds of shenanigans. Written for the Secret Santa exchange on CMDA. Cover art by the awesome askbroodyelf.

  • A Very Special Present

    One year after the disaster in Kirkwall, Isabela and Fenris have a special naming day present for Kit Hawke. Very little plot.

  • Kiss and Tell

    Susannah Shepard and James Vega are enjoying their vacation together, when Kaidan and Steve show up, triggering some old memories... Set post-game, sort of sequel to "With All Due Respect". Mostly just smutty fluff. Cover art by queendread.

  • Where No One Has Gone Before

    Cracky crossover where Captain Kirk, Spock and Scotty from Star Trek are stranded in the ME world (ME2). While Kirk soon finds out that the ladies aboard the Normandy are immune to his charms, Scotty finds a kindred spirit in Tali and Mr Spock is intrigued when he meets another telepath. Gorgeous art by downontheupside.

  • The Darkness Inside

    It's the night before the final battle against the Archdemon, and Megan Cousland can't sleep. So she searches out another Warden to share the burden of their destiny. Inspired by olivegbg's wonderful painting, which she graciously allowed me to use as a cover image.

  • Thirty Times Three

    My contribution to the "Challenge on Infinite Earths" on tumblr. It's a 30-day-challenge, where my three favourite characters - Megan Cousland, Nathaniel Howe and Carver Hawke - get placed in thirty different scenarios and alternate universes. In my canon universe, those three meet at Vigil's Keep, but this challenge takes them far beyond the borders of Thedas.

  • Join Me in the Shadows

    When Duncan arrives at Highever, he quickly realizes Megan Cousland is a born troublemaker. As they make their way to Ostagar together, a bond develops between them, but the battle awaits and dark shadows lie ahead. Written for the 2014 Spring Dragon Age Big Bang