TheVelvetRose 1120

  • The Strategic Scientific Reserve - Classified Files

    Howard Stark is more than a genius, millionaire, playboy, sort-of philanthropist. Peggy Carter is more than a woman working to make a living. Edwin Jarvis is more than an act of treason and a posh immigrant. Anna Jarvis is more than a Jewish girl with a crush. Daniel Sousa is more than an aluminum crutch. You just have to know where to look in order to truly see.

  • Carry the Torch, Pass the Knitting Needles

    Arthur is the patriarch of the Weasley family, therefore it is his responsibility to keep them together after the loss of one of their own. He struggles, but he will knit this family back together if he has to do it with his teeth. Although... maybe he and Molly can do it together. She was always better at knitting than him anyway. Post-Deathly Hallows.

  • I See You

    Tony and Steve don't get along on the best of days and hate each other's guts on the worst. It's been a little while since the aliens invaded and they've grown used to each other's presence. They've become tolerating teammates. It was about time they were almost friends. Slightly AU.

  • Like who?

    Sherlock and John were struggling before they found each other. An inside look at what it was like to be them before "A Study in Pink". Two character studies for Holmes and Watson respectively - my first ever attempt at either character. I'd love your opinions on how you think I did :)