Anonymous Presence

  • Twelve Days of Christmas

    [Drabble Chapters] Tom Riddle tries to woo Professor Granger during the winter holidays.

  • The Edge of Perfect

    Hermione believed her life was perfect. The war was over, her friends were happy, and she had a successful career. When it came to her romantic life, it was an area filled with flings with a certain Quidditch player and she was perfectly fine. It wasn't until two Slytherins made themselves dominate in her so called perfect life that she found it wasn't perfect after all.

  • Worn Leather and Fade Camo

    [A/U Non-Magical] Remus is a young veteran fighting PTSD while trying to run a wolf reserve. When he finds more and more wolves dead from bullet wounds, he turns to Black Industry to have his back while he fights the government. He didn't expect Sirius Black to heal his wounded soul..

  • Useless, Pitiful, Sentiments

    [One-Shot] The weight of the horcrux against her chest—angry—lonely—regret. It's not like Voldemort needed them.

  • Tumbling, Falling, and Crash Landings

    AU Hermione is caught in the complicated web of magic; which—for some reason—finds that it is most compelled to just drop her in and out the life of Tom Riddle.

  • Useless, Pitiful Sentiments

    Tom Riddle does not need his weak emotions. He does not want them. But Hermione feels them. ONE-SHOT