Captain Kork

  • Anomalies

    Sometimes accidental magic releases snakes from their cages or inflates people's relatives. Other times it gives people super powers. Harry Potter's magic, of course, has done all three. Speedster!Harry

  • Funny the Way It Is

    Eddie finds it all too easy to fall in love with a story, especially when it is told with so much affection. WestThallen OT3

  • Scooby Doo Switcheroo

    As a teenaged superhero, one finds themselves in a lot of really weird situations. Waking up in each other's bodies is probably the worst.

  • Beware of Talking Snakes

    Ginny Weasley, international Quidditch star and daredevil extraordinaire thought that nothing of interest could come from a family outing to the zoo. Of course, with her son and boyfriend along for the ride she could never be so lucky. Or in which all of the Potter children are Parselmouths and Ginny isn't sure what she did to deserve this.

  • Thunder and Lightning

    Ginny Weasley hates playing a match against Puddlemere United, for more reasons than one.