

  • Asmodeus

    (You've always liked demons more than God, anyway.) Rated M for non-explicit sex.

  • World for Children

    He's not old enough to really understand what happens when he blasts himself in the face with the Ten-Year Bazooka; all he knows is it'll take him somewhere else, anywhere else, and when he comes back after a few minutes they're all being nice to him again. (Day 1 of 15.)

  • Numbers

    When the lines between reality and illusion become blurred, she's reminded all over again: there is no single truth. True or false, just depends on what you ask, who you ask, when you ask. He is Chrome. She is Mukuro. Both, neither. One plus one doesn't always equal two, does it?

  • Seeing and Believing

    There's betrayal in his voice, underneath the fury that he's become so much better at handling in the past five years, because — really — how could he have been naive enough to believe the Mist Guardians when fabricating reality is part of the job description?