

  • A Real Emergency

    Sherlock decides to try and surprise John for his birthday, calling Lestrade over to help. Of course, things don't quite end up going as planned. One Shot. Set between The Sign of Three and His Last Vow.

  • Child's Play

    Every fairy tale hero is meant to have their perfect villain, are they not? Perhaps Sherlock has had his from the very start and never known it.

  • One Last Goodbye

    Tauriel finds Kili during the Battle of Five Armies and, in their time alone, they are given the chance to say goodbye. Kili/Tauriel. Spoilers for the end of the story.

  • A Place to Crash

    When Captain America and the Winter Soldier turn up at the Avengers Tower for help, the first thing Tony Stark takes note of isn't exactly their well-being. Basically a slice-of-life fic from various POVs. *Accepting prompts or requests!*

  • Adventures in Intoxication

    Steve gets a little drunk. Interesting conversation ensues. Super short one-shot. Part of my A Soldier's Journey series.

  • Something More

    The Winter Soldier has returned after failing to kill his targets, but something about the man on the bridge has begun to break down some kind of barrier in his mind, and these things, these memories - his memories? - are forcing him to reconsider his place, his purpose. Part of "A Soldier's Journey" collection.

  • Melodies

    Collection of short one-shots based on music, centered on varying characters at different times before, during, and after the series. Chapter 2: An Evening in the Park (ValonxSerenity, post-series)

  • Quiet Moment of Sanity

    Jefferson has been trapped in Wonderland, transforming into the infamous Mad Hatter. But, perhaps, it isn't always simply madness, as everyone tends to believe. He hasn't entirely lost his mind, not yet. One-Shot/Character Study.

  • Deep Freeze

    The first time they put him into cryofreeze, Bucky Barnes is scared, with no idea what happened, where they're keeping him, or even who he is. Still, there's some voice in the back of his head, assuring him. He can't place the voice, but he trusts it. One-Shot. Character Study. Part of "A Soldier's Journey" collection.

  • Bits of Old Moments

    Some of the memories have started to come back, but these little moments are hardly enough to remember an entire lifetime that was lost. However, just because he can recall some scenes in Bucky Barnes' life doesn't mean things can go back to the way they used to be. During the post credits scene of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Part of "A Soldier's Journey" collection.