
  • Divinity's Prayer

    Even a goddess can have a wish, but, if she prays, will someone answer?

  • Among Willows

    It was in the confines of the forest, that they would build a den of iniquity. Even if she was a sinner, she would sure to let fate decide. A Shimako POV

  • Ice and Stone

    They weren't the warmest people in the world, lacking eloquence in the best of times. That shared bond made all of the difference. It kept them close, when everything, and everyone, seemed so far away. -Transgender Akira- -Only meant as a one shot- -Natsuki/Akira pairing-

  • What I Want

    To never be alone again, what more could she ask for? If a cure to her illness could not be found, and the springtime of youth would never end for her, than what better way to ensure her own happiness? Why not dive headlong into a home packed with children that would one day also yield families of their own?

  • Within A Kiss

    She came back, and fell into the arms of another woman. It was a night that should have never happened, but it did, and it swept her unrelentingly into an undertow of her hearts deepest desires, even though they went unspoken. -A birthday fan fiction.-

  • Upon Her Throne

    The HiME's guiding star was not something that could be so easily destroyed. The dark queen has risen to sit atop her throne of fire, however, the chance at a new world has been lost forever. Locked within a purgatory unlike any other, the HiME must make one last desperate attempt at finding freedom from their curse. The rules have changed, and so has the game.

  • So I Did

    Sometimes, things go horribly awry, but, that doesn't mean that all is lost. Sometimes, they turn out for the better. -Implied triad pairing containing Natsuki, Mai, and Shizuru.- Really more of a hard T than an M.

  • Amidst The White

    A bunch of small one shot stories for the Mai/Yohko pairing. Story 3: Degenerate... Summary: Because the reasons can always be scrutinized by those who've strayed from the norm…

  • Silence

    The shattered remains are all that's left, and you can't pick up the pieces, they're too small. - f/f pairing, angst, and POV heavy.

  • Morning's Foal II

    Yugo is still trying to discover himself, and, find his dream... (Sequel to Morning's Foal. Read that one first. Only a one-shot.)

  • Monsoon

    The rain doesn't always summon despondency at every turn. It can be bittersweet, binding together the rifts of the past in ways that no one thought possible. Lovers look back to what started it all, they reflect that even the hardest of times can form the fondest of memories. -Triad pairing within-

  • Season's Change

    Direct sequel to "Keeper of His Heart", Livius continues to have troubles with his waging emotions and profound desires. Meanwhile, Nike struggles to find her own confidence as this strange, almost taboo romance, continues to be complicated in more ways than one.

  • Sinfully Devine

    The world was always so full of contradiction. The rose families were nothing if not drowning in their own pool of it. When solid conviction and commitment comes up against whim and desire, it's anyone's guess what side of the heart will win.

  • Contract Bound

    Keiichi has lived and died...and it's time that Belldandy faces a reality she knew would eventually occur. Life without Keiichi. In doing so, she walks a dark path, one far more grim that the Judgment Gate bespoke, but perhaps, in some way, that's fair...perhaps, the Judgment Gate is justified...and just maybe, fate isn't so cruel after all.

  • A Devil's Redemption

    Belldandy's wish goes unheard by her father, the ruler of the heavens. When Hild hears the wish, however, she takes matters into her own hands, and fate takes a nasty turn. It isn't the future they both desired, but can they find happiness even when their own future promises eventual solitude?

  • Lilies and Lilacs

    Life is garden. As beautiful as that is, it also means that sometimes, someone needs help to get out of the mud. When they do, who will be there to pull them out? That's a question Mai doesn't have the answer to, and she's not even sure if she wants one until an unlikely candidate comes along to help rebuild the foundation of her life. Mai/Shizuru, Nat/Nao.

  • Denied By Grace

    Belldandy's prayer reaches up to the heavens, but they do not grant her wish to the letter. Instead, they send her on a new path, gifting her a fleeting human life. The trials may prove harder than she first assumed, but, with Keiichi at her side, she may just find enlightenment yet.

  • Apples of Our Eyes

    They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and when Natsuki and Shizuru begin repeating past mistakes, Saeko and Suzume have to come to terms with the facts of their lives. It's messy, and not always perfect, but it is theirs to live. Two families become one at last, when lies come clean, and confessions mend old wounds.

  • Forever's Confession

    If she couldn't have a peaceful death, she desired a long chaotic life, filled with the love she thought she could never have. (Suzu/Haruki pairing.)

  • Lone Tear

    Truth be told, all I wanted in that one moment, was for that lone tear to be the last I ever cried for Natsuki. (A Shizuru/Mai pairing fan fiction)