
  • For A Later Time

    Sometimes, being in karmic debt is better than paying a price upfront.

  • Promise I Made

    Her life was filled with promises, but there none more important than the ones she made when she chose to become a guardian.

  • Silk Thread

    It wasn't innocent. It wasn't sinful... it was merely an answer for the beautiful siren's call. (Just a short prompt fiction.)

  • An Ill-defined Circumstance

    I peered into green eyes...ones set into a soft, unsure scowl...and I saw what I wanted to be for her...and in that usual soul crushing way I came to a realization...The person I wanted to be, could never be the type of person she truly needed...regardless of that, part of me wanted her...wanted this, anyway...

  • Oath

    Romance on the battle field isn't acceptable up in the heavens, where the power of love can become a dangerous thing. Despite the odds, two goddesses, who made vows to protect and serve heaven, must now cast such a promise aside. What oath could possibly be made in return? -one shot-

  • A Game of Cat and Mouse: Breathless Confession

    Shimako knew that the only way to win Yumi's affections was to gamble a little. Gifting a confession, and walking away she, so began the game of cat and mouse. -The first story in a one-shot series. Featuring Shimako/Yumi.-

  • Smile

    Maybe I'm being idealistic, and thinking about these things might be pointless…but even so, is it really so bad to be so simple? -A short Sei introspective-

  • Keeper of His Heart

    He couldn't stay as merely a child forever, but was he growing up too fast? -A simple little fluffy one shot, with Livi and Nike.-

  • Gamble

    There was no stronger emotion, not even hate, that could have made so many people act in such dangerous, insane ways. It was irrefutable. She was sure now.

  • Marked Territory

    "Tokaku, you have to be nice with things that are yours. If you don't, you'll break them." -Just a Haru/Tokaku one shot...-

  • Mother's Gentle Cruelty

    She pondered if her mother mirrored her fear, and the hesitancy found only in the hands of one poised to strike. Were her mother's eyes the same too? Were they so cold, so barren of any true warmth?

  • Washing Away Crimson

    She licked her lips, the taste of blood still on them…of sweat, of trials and error. The beseechingly empty, and bitter sweet success, left a nothingness in its wake. A pyrrhic victory. Little more, and little less. She could be okay with that.

  • Setting Sun

    ...because sometimes, the answers will never come by the questions we ask.

  • Close Your Eyes

    A sappy little Shizuru and Natsuki fan fiction that's in Natsuki's POV...takes place in their final episode of the anime right before the "green spark" So to speak... just a little one shot.

  • On The Wrong Foot

    Happiness is something that's far more abstract than dreams, fame, or fortune. That was something I wish I'd learned earlier…but, back then, I felt as if I had to live up to some grand expectation...I wanted someone…anyone…to discover the truth...I wanted more than anything, to just be my own person, but, that was easier said than done. [AU short-story] Shiz/Nat

  • Snowdrifts

    There were no traces left, only the whisper of Maria's voice, as she said goodbye. Implied Saki/Maria.