Cherrim Princess

  • The Secret

    Something for Crazee Canadia. [I'm bad with titles.]

  • A Grouchy and Jokey Fanfic

    Wanted to goof off with this pairing. I liked it so I said "Oh what the Giratina!" Hope you enjoy. One of those Grokey or Jouchy stories though I hate those pairing names.

  • Detective Hefty and his Assistant Pushover

    A silly concept for a story I thought of! Not ment to be taken seriously. Rated T 'cause I feel like it.

  • Looking for Shelter

    I got an assignment in English to write a part of the Hobbit and write it in one of the dwarf's point of views. So I came up with a part of chapter three in Fili's point of view. Hope you enjoy.

  • Smurfette and Enamoured One Shot

    I was bored and idealess thinking of a new chapter for a story. Anyway hope you enjoy. Story about Smurfette and Enamoured.