Sky Rose Fang

  • Secrets and Seduction

    After a bad day Deeks goes looking for Kensi hoping to cheer her up. not a good summery but I try. incomplete for now, let me know if I should keep it as a oneshot or continue

  • Secrets From The Newspaper

    Little oneshot that hit me from out of nowhere, Castle finds an old newspaper clipping he'd forgotten about and feels the need to tell Kate about it. established Caskett, AU - somewhere season 5.

  • Steps Along the Way

    Not sure if this has been done before but it will be a series of (unrelated) one-shots all surrounding the Densi "thing" that they do not have, and its development into a relationship. They will most likely be short but I will try to post multiple chapters at a time.

  • Time Shifts and Tantrums

    After the events of the Day of The Doctor, the TARDIS throws a tantrum to get The Doctor back something he's lost and thanks to an accidental (and unknown) shift in time it's now possible, but the Doctor is going to need help when it doesn't come back right. (I can only hit four Characters so I had to miss "9", but he is in here)

  • Family Portrait

    Kensi is in the basement looking for old cold cases and finds something that can change the teams lives, prove they're a real family. completely AU fic. it is a whole team fic but the limit in the characters box is telling me four.

  • Alphabet Woman

    the first chapter is a little weird, but basically drunk team trying to get answers out of House but get them out of Cuddy instead, continues with Cuddy unknowingly filling Houses "requirements" for a perfect woman.

  • Little White Card

    McGee thinks well Tony takes stuff from my desk all the time so why can't I do the same. He picks up the little white card and not even Ellie can make sense of the words on the paper, is it a threat? or something more important? Kind of a fluffy piece.

  • One Spit No , Two Spits Yes

    AU, Rudy lived, this is painful, I did cry. Max and Liesel were together but not any more, it's kinda cute but not complete fluff.

  • Lighting Bridges

    My little oneshot as to why Kensi has been being difficult since her return from Afghanistan. UBER ANGSTY BEWARE! may be a little AU, not sure where the show is up to. I am depressingly behind. T only cause of the angst (no spoilers here)

  • Bells and Bedposts

    Short little one-shot. My little re-write of Bombshells, instead of needing Vicodin to get through Cuddy's surgery, House enlists Chase and Thirteens help. cuteness and Huddy ensues