

  • More than a one night stand

    Don't read this is you are a prude cuz I'm writing a lot of M and T materiel Jace is known as the towns man candy/man whore. If you haven't had sex with Jace then you have with Sebastian. Clary has to live with her dad wen stuff happens with her mom. Jace is falling for the new kid what will happen if they have met before but she can't remember.

  • Blood, Bath, and Beyond

    Clary is new to the town and is in struggle to find a new job luckily she gets a job at you guessed it Bed, Bath, and Beyond. But her new friend izzy try's to cheer her up about the move by going to a local club. But soon does clary know a boy she mets there will not only take her to Bed, Bath, and definitely Beyond. But how far beyond will Jace take her into his world of crime.

  • The dream

    What would happen if clary meet Jace but was brainwashed into thinking he is out to kill her. While in the process of a deathly curse over clary and her brother. Will Jace be able to save her? We'll if so he is the only one who can help.