

  • in between

    What happened when Hiccup fell into the fire? How exactly did he lose his leg? And what about getting him home? These are my ideas. All speculation, but I like these ideas.

  • Merlin!

    Might become a collection of shorts. Arthur knows about Merlin's magic cause it's funny. Mostly about Merlin doing stupid things and getting in trouble. 'T' cause that's me.

  • fun and mud

    Pippin and Merry drag Legolas into a game of tag. Might turn into a multi chapter story,

  • the bite of a frying pan

    Legolas and Gimli won't stop fighting and Sam has had enough.

  • One less hobbit

    Pippin won't stop talking and Legolas wants quiet.

  • squishy slugs

    Gimili hates slugs, and Legolas is evil.

  • anything for peace

    Never doubt Legolas when he threatens.

  • sausage

    Pippin is hungry.