
  • Tell Me How To Reach You

    She figures it just means that they really are best friends. She's sure that everyone must think about their best friend like this deep down. Lauren doesn't give it a second thought. (Camren, One-Shot, this is totally 100% imagined fiction lol)

  • Read Between The Lines

    Based off the prompt "AU in which every time a person falls in love, a red line appears on their wrist". Camren. 100% imagined fiction.

  • This Is The Last Time

    They meet at boot camp and it's an immediate connection. Their eyes lock and they just click. It's one of those things that you read about in novels, or see in movies, but only a few people actually get to experience it. (Camren. One-shot. This is 100% imagined fiction lol)

  • Like It Once Was

    Hanna knows that the biggest thing she ever lost was Emily Fields. Not that she ever really had her. It was complicated. Just like everything else in life, Hanna thinks.

  • A World Alone

    One-Shot. Hanna should have known it would get complicated when Alison came back.