
  • The Boleyn Girl

    Anne Boleyn has given Henry VIII what he wanted, a boy. But Anne Boleyn isn't really there anymore, it's Daria. How'd that happen?

  • Shiva's Scenes that Should Not Be (2013 Collection)

    This is the collection of all the 'Scenes that should not be' that I wrote in 2013. Enjoy!

  • The Next Gen of Sloanes

    Meet the son of Tom and Daria Sloane, Tommy Sloane, a football playing, booze drinking, lady lovin', party animal, who's mother hates his guts! (written in 2012, plans for a reboot exist)

  • New Kid in the Cul-de-sac

    A girl named Daria Morgendorffer wakes up on hot pavement and finds herself in a cul-de-sac called Peach Creek. How'd she get there? The answer isn't very pretty. One-shot.

  • Last Night in the Tent

    My first contribution to this years 'Random Pairing Challenge'. Fifteen year old Trent Lane has spent the last six months living in a tent in the Lane's backyard, waiting for someone to invite him back into the house. However in the night his mother comes into the tent, seeking refuge from her family and things 'happen'. WARNING: Incest HEAVILY Implied!

  • Popular Girl Esteem

    When Daria gets stuffed into the Self-Esteem Course, she doesn't just bump into Jane. There's another girl there, a popular girl by the name of Tori Jericho and there's a little more to her than just being Lawndale High's resident gossip.

  • Stacy's Newly Made Man

    Stacy Rowe leads a gentleman to her parent's new house in London, but not for the reasons that man expects. Instead she leads him to the man hiding in the Rowe's new storeroom. A man once known as Frank Cotton. One-shot.

  • My Darlin' Singin' Cowboy!

    My second contribution to the IC: Mix them up. DariaXDaria Crossover! When Tom has to drive all the way to Fremont to bail Jane and Mystik Spiral out of jail, he picks up a singin' cowboy hitchhiker named Travis who proves to be very grateful for the ride... Oneshot!

  • Gambling on Two Additions

    From the IC: Mix them up. DariaXDaria Crossover!, Ethan Yeager and Quinn Morgendorffer are having a 'friendly date' at the Zon's Casino Night when a certain green-eyed boy makes an appearance... (One-Shot!)

  • The Woman Who Lived

    Voldermort uncovered the Potter's location before the child of the Prophecy was born. As a result of James sacrificing himself, the Killing Curse aimed at Lily rebounded. Now with a lightning shaped scar on her stomach and a newborn son, how will she cope now that she bears the burden meant for her son?

  • Henri Laveau

    An AU in which the infant Harry was rescued off of the Dursley's porch by the seemingly ageless Marie Laveau, Voodoo Queen of New Orleans. When he returns to Britain with everything she has taught him, what side, if any will he support? Warning: Some Slash in later chapters.

  • Quiet Observations

    On the first day of the sophomore year, Cassandra makes some quiet observations to herself about the class. And what happened to B&B? Short ficlet.

  • Shiva's Scenes that Should Not Be (2014 Collection)

    Ok, now here is where I'm going to put THIS YEARS collection of Scene's that should not be. :D

  • Reunion at the Save-A-Bunch

    Adrian and Courtney Lane have managed to survive the Zombie apocalypse, and Adrian is craving an old fashioned Twinkie. So they enter an abandoned grocery store and find more than just leftover junk food. Fusion fic of Daria and Zombieland!

  • Untitled Random Story

    None of the chapters relate to each other. In fact they barely relate to reality, common sense, story structure, and the whole thing resembles a bad acid trip. (I wrote these five last year)

  • Shiva's Scenes that Should Not Be (2012 Collection)

    I've been writing 'Scenes that should not be' on the PaperPusher for a while, but I've only ever posted a handful on. I'm going to change that, so without further ado here is Shiva's 'Scenes that should not be' the 2012 collection.

  • Evil Thom

    My attempt at an Evil T(h)om story. No clue if it's any good or not... (I wrote this in '13)

  • Lindy at AA

    My second contribution to this years 'Random Pairing Challenge'. Lindy Wilson is at the Lawndale chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous and opens up about when she hit rock bottom and forced her to realize that she had a problem.

  • Having It Bad

    Daria learns what would be worse than having Sam and Chris Morgendorffer for brothers... Quinn Griffin as a sister!