

  • Sweet Dreams and Memories

    On this Tanabata, Kurosaki Ichigo finally realizes he is Hikoboshi to a certain weaver princess. And Inoue Orihime, she is just happy that her sweet dreams are nothing compare to the even sweeter memories she is going to experience.

  • Orihime's getting Married

    Not only is the princess getting married but she is also a wild one. Her protector though is not letting a wild one go so easily. Not really AU. College life. Working adults.

  • 愛憎 The other version

    "I HATE YOU, KUROSAKI ICHIGO!" "YOU KNOW WHAT? INOUE ORHIME, I HATE YOU TOO!" Harsh words and their friends are worried. What is happening? (An expected? happier version.)

  • She Will Be Loved (Hiatus or Discontinuation?)

    What does not kill you will only make you strong and Inoue Orihime believes she is stronger today than she ever was. But the heart's desire for love is making her weak again and she does not want to feel this way. She finds herself having to choose between being in love again, being loved and being her own person. AU and OOC

  • Summer Dream

    It was during summer, on a hot sweltering day, that Kurosaki Ichigo finally admitted to himself he was in love... with her. It was also during the same summer, on a hot sultry night, that Inoue Orihime finally realized her dream will always remain as just that... a dream.

  • Waiting For A Star To Fall (Hiatus or Discontinuation?)

    You are my star. I am just waiting for you to fall... in love with me.

  • I Make The Good Girls Go Bad (Hiatus or Discontinuation?)

    She has been and is still a good girl. He... He just wants her to go bad with... him. AU and OOC, but of course. Good Inoue Orihime knows bad Kurosaki Ichigo is that kind of guy she would be stupid to trust.

  • Thank You, Kurosaki-san (Hiatus or Discontinuation?)

    Inoue Orihime's fiancé made a startling revelation that shook Kurosaki Ichigo to his very oblivious core. Could he have been so dense? Or, maybe... he just did not feel for her that way? Well, it does not matter now, she's getting married to someone who truly loves her. And she is happy. But... is he?

  • Forgiven (Hiatus or Discontinuation?)

    It's not that I can't forgive you. It's just that there's nothing to forgive. AU and OOC.

  • True Love (Hiatus or Discontinuation?)

    Inoue Orihime knows she will always love Kurosaki Ichigo. But she wants to be loved in return as well. Maybe it was time, to love 'HIM' back. She knows, without a shadow of a doubt 'HE' loves her. 'HE' has and will always love her. And since Kurosaki-kun has not been treating her as anything other than a friend. Perhaps, it is time to be with the 'ONE' who truly loves her.

  • 恋情 (Hiatus or Discontinuation?)

    To him, she was Ichigo's little human friend. A very pretty friend. He sort of knew they have undisclosed feelings for one another. Besides, he himself loved a certain petite black-haired individual. So, there was no harm in asking her to call him by his name, right? "Renji-kun." And, but, why does his heart throb into a frenzy every time his name comes out from her tempting lips.

  • Courage

    She ran. She ran to get the image of the intertwined hands to disappear from her mind. A is for Angst... but A is also for Abarai Renji. So, the ending will be...

  • Blame It On The Snow (Hiatus or Discontinuation?)

    Being young and in love with a beautiful girl is a wondrous feeling to be savored. Being young and in love with a beautiful girl who is not of this world... He could live with it. He just did not know how much time they were going to have together. AU. OOC. Rated 'T' for a certain blue-haired fellow's usage of the 'F' word and also liberties with two major Eastern cultures.

  • Down With Love (Hiatus or Discontinuation?)

    Inoue Orihime, almost twenty-nine, has never been in love, is not interested in love and is not looking for love. She is fine with living by herself, thank you very much. Kurosaki Ichigo, also almost twenty-nine, has been in and out of love more times than he could count, is in love with love and definitely looking for the love of a lifetime. He wants to love. Thanks. AU OOC

  • Will You Love Me Again?

    A confession. A rejection. Regrets. Is it too late?

  • Written In The Stars

    "She stole him from me. I will do anything and everything to get him back. He is mine and he will always be mine. For it is written in the stars." AU and ooc because Kurosaki Ichigo is in love. And love can cause anyone to act crazy.

  • My Father's Girlfriend

    "Do you believe in love at first sight?" "NO! She's young enough to be your daughter!" Love will bring them together? AU OOC? HELL YEAH!

  • What Is Love?

    "Love is..."

  • 心知

    Kurosaki Ichigo did not understand what was all the fuss over buying the wedding rings. He asked and Inoue Orihime has graciously offered to help him choose the rings. So how come his friends were making such a ruckus over it. And he has yet to ask the brother for his permission. Two chapters story. Sorry. Now in three chapters and rushing to its foregone? conclusion.