
waffleman1314-AJ ThaPlatypus

  • Fight

    Imprisoned for the actions of Semi, Perry assumes that his story is over. But someone else has a different idea, and, upon discovering his presence in the OWCA-TRAZ, collects him to try and test his fate. This fight will be a tough one; can he escape this time? *Sequel to Forever* **Stopped**

  • A Pokémon Story

    War has torn the Pokémon world apart as the League fights the Circle for control. Pokémon have been affected the most by the war, being used as slave labour and weaponry. Everyday Pokémon are captured and enslaved. Zero grew up on his own because of the war and has always tried to avoid it, but now it's come to him. It's time to make a stand. *Stopped*

  • Thunder Toll

    Something isn't right in the World of Trophies. The masked men, the missing persons. Now they had taken away something irreplaceable, and for that they would pay dearly. The cost might be great, but vengeance is worth it. Or is it? *Stopped*

  • How the Doof Stole Christmas

    Carl has a Christmas story for Major Monogram. A grouchy scientist, a hate for happiness, and one Christmas at jeopardy. (AJ with help of Killua).

  • Mistletoe

    It's the greatest time of year, and Phineas and Ferb plan to make the most of it! A Christmas one-shot.

  • Fandom

    They're trapped in a reality that isn't their own. They're clueless as to who they really are. And there's only one who can fix everything. *Spoof of Once Upon a Time. More than 2-way crossover, I just can't state that with the story.*

  • Fixed Points

    Jamie Flynn woke up where she most certainly hadn't died. Was she dead? No. And that wasn't even the weirdest part. When help comes from a stranger, Jamie's life takes a new turn for the worse...or better? *Suggested to read The Legacy Series first. Sequel/Spin-off to it.* **Stopped**

  • Forever

    Fate was cruel. Just when everything seemed to have been going right, Perry's life took a huge down. Now, amidst his own grief, Perry is faced with facing his rebel son one-on-one, and he realizes he can't avoid fighting Lay forever. Sequel to Timeshift.

  • The Subspace Invasion

    The peace of a land is disrupted when a mysterious evil shows itself for what it is with an attack on a midair stadium. It will take an unlikely combination of persons to fight a very misleading threat. *Stopped*

  • The Revival of the Platypus

    After a group of kids request the aid of the reclusive Master Perry, he's forced to come out of his hiding place to assist them in defeating Doofus Khan. Now, he has to face the decision that he made several years ago and what it did to his true love. *Stopped*

  • The Inventor

    Paradoxes, incidents, and badly-kept secrets; not to mention unanswered questions. The Inventor wonders if he ever should have revealed his identity. Everything is getting out of hand. And let's not forget that mysterious Timelord in the police box- why does HE keep showing up? *Stopped*

  • A Crack in Time

    When Candace uses Phineas and Ferb's time machine to travel back to the day that they built the roller coaster, she wasn't planning to affect the space-time continuum in the process. But coming face-to-face with herself spins disaster into motion, leaving the fate of the universe in the capable hands of a time-traveling man and his faithful companion. *Stopped*

  • Gideon's Revenge

    The sequel to The Mysterious Dimension is here! Gideon finds a way to travel across dimensions without Doofenshmirtz's inators. He plans to exact his revenge on all, but the Pines twins gang up with Phineas, Ferb, and Perry once more to make sure Gideon's plan fails. *Stopped*

  • La Méprise

    Les mots étaient plus sévère qu'il pensait; particulièrement quand tu ne sais pas comment quelqu'un les distinguerait. Un traduction d'un histoire anglais.