

  • Skydancer

    Sequel to "Scattered", S2 AU. The team may be reunited after being flung across the universe by an unstable wormhole, but their troubles are far from over. Zarkon has a plan to both eliminate Voltron and improve the Galra forces...and he needs the Red Paladin to do it.

  • Regrouping

    Now that Whispers has a way into their cluster through Will, the sensates must find a way to use the rules to their advantage. Immediate post-season 1 speculation.

  • The Perils of Innocence

    AU. In an institute to help children with psychological issues, a child is abandoned by his guardians because he does extraordinary things. Rather than fear him, the doctors work to help him try to control this ability. They discover other children with these incredible powers. And then odd letters arrive one summer day. Rating will probably go up later. Eventual H/Hr.

  • Providential

    Sherlock Holmes has found himself a tame pathologist at Bart's in one Molly Hooper. And then a bizarre murder shows that they aren't half-bad as a team. Hints of future Sherlock/Molly.

  • Glimpses

    A bit more than a drabble, almost a ficlet. As Sherlock Holmes is off being dead and cleaning up messes, glimpses of long and dark ponytails make him start to think. Hints of potential Sherlock/Molly and vague spoilers for "The Empty Hearse". First foray into "Sherlock" territory.

  • Tidings of Comfort and Joy

    Post-Hogwarts, AU after book 6. Harry and Hermione find themselves at loose ends over the holidays and choose to celebrate together. By the end they'll have much more to celebrate. Cavity-inducing, fluffy H/Hr.

  • Los peligros de la inocencia

    Universo alternativo. En un instituto para ayudar a los jóvenes con problemas psicológicos, un niño es abandonado por sus tutores porque hace cosas asombrosas. En vez de temerlo, los médicos tratan de ayudarlo en controlar la habilidad. Descubren a otros niños con estos poderes. Y llegan unas cartas extrañas un día. Probablemente subirá la clasificación. H/Hr eventual.

  • In Vino Veritas

    It started one night in a pub... Post-Hogwarts AU written for the Fandom for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's annual fanfic fundraiser. Harry/Hermione one-shot.

  • Vendetta

    Sherlock must find out why Molly Hooper is one of a select group of people being targeted before the assassin can finish the job. Set between "The Blind Banker" and "The Great Game". Hints of future Sherlolly.

  • Unseen

    Drabble, set post-Hogwarts. Harry is vindicated, thanks to the efforts of the one person who has always stood by him. Unfulfilled H/Hr.

  • This Is the Best Thing

    Post-Hogwarts one-shot, AU. While waiting to see if Ron survives a vicious attack, Harry and Hermione have a conversation that they've had before. Except this time it ends differently. Serious attempt at incorporating literary alchemy symbolism. H/Hr.

  • Remembering With Joy

    Post-Hogwarts one-shot, AU. Harry and Hermione go on holiday to Mexico to escape the memories of Ron's death and find unexpected solace in the ancient ritual of Día de los Muertos. H/Hr.

  • The Portrait

    Sixth-year one-shot, AU. Harry asks Dean for a favor. Dean agrees, and in the process notices something. Underlying H/Hr.

  • Hold Page One!

    Post-OotP one-shot, AU. Hermione's ban on Rita Skeeter is about to expire, and she has a plan to give the reporter a very special scoop. What kind of stories will Rita chase now? And will it backfire on Hermione? H/Hr if you squint.