Joan Smith

  • Hold On

    When the Tenth Doctor recevies a distress call from two old friends, he doesn't hesitate to direct the TARDIS to Kansas, US. But, Rose Tyler, can obviously see that he is worried for her safety. What could it be that he is so scared for her? When they enter the haunted house in question, they quickly discover that there are many things Rose don't know about the Doctor. (Rose/Ten)

  • Because It Hurts

    The TARDIS has a problem. The Tenth Doctor clearly can see that when a peculiar blonde girl, shows up in the TARDIS out of thin air, and calls him her dad. Also, Rose Tyler is back. Aged 15 years older than he had left her. She is now married to his metacrisis, John Smith. Angst ensues.

  • The Lamenting Angel

    This is a one-shot on what happened after the Eleventh Doctor lost the Ponds. I got this idea from when I saw the bottled Gallifreyan Encyclopedias. Please leave a review. This is my first fanfic, and I am still trying to figure out how it all works. :)