

  • Staircases

    Moving Staircases are a bit impractical. So why does Hogwarts have them?

  • A Most Important Chess Game

    This could be it. The prize of this game was the greatest the Doctor could ever imagine.

  • 5th March 2005

    Leopold Fitz once met a strange man who thought that plastic was alive. Fitz thought he was drunk.

  • The Plan

    After the events of Iron Man 2, Pepper Potts and Natasha Romanoff stayed in touch. And when Natasha admitted something, Pepper decided to do something about it.

  • All This Time

    Set after the series finale. Simmons can't sleep, so she goes to talk to Fitz in his hospital bed. FitzSimmons.

  • SHIELD Siblings

    Skye doesn't have a family. Or maybe she does. But it might take an Avenger to show her that (and possibly adopt her along the way).

  • Jemma Monkey

    There is a mysterious box in Coulson's office and Fitz can't resist just a little look. Which might or might not turn into a monkey rescue mission.

  • The Cat Man Next Door

    Bucky Barnes has several cats, all of which seem to prefer Clara Oswald's garden to their own. [Barneswald] (written for oswaldandbarnes on Tumblr)

  • Doctors of Pompeii

    Rory accidently ended up in Pompeii. As did some not so familiar faces. Well, at least he's not involved in whatever chaos is about to follow.

  • Pepper Pott's Knitting Therapy

    The Avengers keep fighting and it's up to Pepper Potts to get them to talk about feelings. Her solution? Knitting. (Yet another knitting fic)

  • Crochet Conspiracy

    The British Government, a Detective Inspector of Scotland Yard, a pathologist, an ex-army doctor now GP, an ex-assassin and a land lady. Sounds like the start of a bad joke? Or maybe a plan for world domination? All right, maybe Sherlock's overreacting, but there's only one person he can ask for help. And she plans to do what? (Knitting fic)

  • The Scarf

    Growing up on Gallifrey the Doctor's mother had to find ways to occupy him. (Knitting fic again)

  • Little Brothers are Stupid

    Mycroft's little brother jumped off a roof. Barney's little brother got himself brainwashed by an alien. They both really need a drink. Or a few. They're going to regret this in the morning.

  • Hawknit

    Hawkeye knits. Needles come in useful. (Another knitting fic)

  • What Better Than a Monkey?

    The additions had started at Sci-Tech and followed them to Sci-Ops and the Bus. (Another knitting fic)

  • Simmons Secret

    "Skye. We had this discussion last week. What Simmons does at half four in the morning is her business." Simmons is acting a little odd, and not just because of her telepathy with Fitz. Pre-HYDRA. (Knitting fic)

  • Poor Amelia

    Amelia Pond has a bad cold. Luckily, she has a nurse with all the cures.

  • Ficlets from Tumblr

    A series of unrelated drabbles that have occurred centring around the Avengers and Agents of SHIELD.

  • Mrs Fitz

    Fitz is alone getting supplies when Ward shows up. Luckily his mum's there

  • Valentine's Day with the Ponds

    It's Valentine's Day and Rory's having a crisis. Enter the Doctor. What could go wrong?