
  • Make A Wish

    It's Tuck's birthday and you have a surprise for him. A PWP One-Shot.

  • I Dream of Doctor

    Sophie always hoped she was meant for more. Sophie thought she was just a small town girl in love with Dr Who. One accidental dimension jump later she comes face to face with the Doctor! Suddenly her life is unraveling and she realizes her dreams were real and they've come true! A/U Rated M for the usual.

  • Christmas at the Cabin

    You finally convinced Tommy to go. This is what happens. PWP, One-Shot. Written as a birthday present for my guru. Decided to post it! Rated M for, well I said it was PWP didn't I *grin*

  • Give Love a Second Chance

    Set in the 61st century. It's time for Jack to move on...again. The promise of an Ianto look-alike draws him to Demran 3 and his old partner. There's just one problem... this Ianto is in love and an indentured servant in the best pleasure house Demran has. Can Jack get them both out? Even if it means falling back on old habits and relying on John Hart? Rated M for the usual