

  • Until You

    Jack has spent his years after the break up with Rachel, falling into addiction. He's got his evil, big corporate job and buried feelings that he's been too scared to deal with until he's reunited with Eric after all their years apart. Companion piece for Find A Way Back Home- my Shawn Hunter fic. Starts around GMW 2x13 Fills in the gap for Jack's life and it brings Jeric together.

  • Find a Way Back Home

    Third installment of Tears of a Hunter Series. Shawn returns to the Matthews, recovered from years of alcoholism, self-harm, and depression. Follows GMW slightly but also fills in with cannon changes made in previous fics. This is a story about how Shawn finds home and overcomes his trauma in order to let himself find a family and become a father.

  • The Re-Education of Cecil Gershwin-Palmer

    Re-education isn't what Night Vale citizens think it is. And Cecil's trip to Europe isn't what he thinks it is. Cecil was set to travel though Europe but being kidnapped changes everything and the City of Night Vale is there to collect the broken boy. Trigger Warning for Rape, sexual content, and overall pain.

  • Aftereffects

    Derek knows something is off with Stiles. Little does he know, the darkness around Stiles's heart is killing him. When Stiles can't cope and tries to kill himself, everyone else has to try and put Stiles back together again. Trigger warning for suicide attempt. Alternate story line for my fic Cause and Effect but it stands on it's own.

  • Cause and Effect

    The darkness around Stiles's heart is killing him. When he can't cope and decides to kill himself, everyone else is left to deal with the fallout. Trigger warning for Suicide and major character death.