Shadows in the Light of Day

  • Insanity

    Reconciled to the belief that Lithuania and Latvia do not care about him, Estonia makes a desperate plan that he believes will save them all, but may in fact destroy him once and for all. As Lithuania struggles to make sense of Estonia's behavior, he is confronted by a nation who is only just realizing what has been happening to the Baltics for years. Sequel to Latvia's Absence.

  • Latvia's Absence

    Lithuania and Estonia's punishment may be over, but the Baltics still have to survive the aftermath. With Latvia forbidden to speak to the others and Lithuania determined to unravel the mystery behind Latvia's 'disappearance', will anyone notice how strange Estonia is acting? Will Latvia be able to cope without his friends? And will they all be reunited? Sequel to Interference.

  • Interference

    One of the unwritten laws for surviving in Russia's house is that you never, ever interfere with his punishment of your friends. Unless you're Lithuania. Then, no one's going to stop you. They're all too frightened to stand up to Russia...but Estonia is going to change that. First in the 'Soviet Insanity' series.

  • Hetalia Drabbles

    Anything Hetalia that doesn't hit 1000 words. Number five: (Slight crossover with The Hunger Games) Estonia finds himself in a conversation with someone that he both knows and does not know, and with a touch on the hand, he begins to see a strange and terrifying future, with an even more terrifying ending.

  • Why Does He Hurt Us?

    Lithuania tries to figure out why Russia finds such pleasure in abusing him, Estonia, and Latvia, and hopes that perhaps today he can go without being beaten, just for once. However, when Russia targets Latvia, he decides that it's impossible. T for violence.

  • Written in Blood

    They say the world ended, and that when it ended the nation of Panem was born. But in truth, she had been born long before her rise to power, and as her power grew, so did her urge to destroy the old nations, now robbed of their immortality. Some died quickly, but this is the story of those who fought for their right to survive. This is the story of the end of the world.

  • Web of Delusions

    For now, the Baltics, Belarus, and Ukraine seem to finally be safe. However, when Lithuania's pity for Russia overcomes his common sense, he ends up even further entangled in the web of insanity that they are all trapped in. As Estonia and Belarus try to find a way to break free, Lithuania makes a last attempt to save Russia from himself. Final story in "Soviet Insanity".

  • Promise

    Teru Mikami only had one friend when he was a child. And when that friend was take from him, he vowed to stop evil...no, to delete it. A promise he never forgot. Rated T because I'm paranoid and because I killed a kid. Brutally. Enough said here.

  • Chance Encounter

    A teenaged Matsuda has had enough of being bullied and abused and decides to end it all. Then a mysterious boy appears to stop him: a boy who believes in the ultimate triumph of good against evil. Their paths would cross only twice. Once as children, and once as adults. And the boy who said suicide was not the answer would end his own life. Will probably be a two-shot.

  • Gone

    Aizawa takes a day off for his son's birthday. He doesn't think anything bad could possibly happen on his day off, but tragedy occurs, and the others are left to deal with it. Rated T for character death. Might be a two-shot later.

  • It's Just the Taro Matsui Show

    Um...nothing to say here... Basically just what might have happened to Matsuda after the end of Death Note. T for suicide.