Lil black dog

  • Matters of the Vulcan Heart

    A seven-year-old Spock reflects on the most significant holiday of the Vulcan people—Gad Kaunsh'es—and reaches a decision about his future. Written for the 'Alien Holiday' challenge at Ad Astra.

  • Echoes

    This is an immediate sequel to "Call of Duty," and a companion piece to "The Awakening." Kirk and Spock find themselves stranded 2,000 years in Vulcan's past. Spock is racing against time to make repairs to the shuttlecraft, their only means to return to the future, before a mysterious infection claims Kirk's life. The Big Three, ensemble cast, TOS

  • Breath of Life

    This was written for the Family challenge at Ad Astra and is meant to represent a scene from one of the TOS movies. Not the one you initially thought, or expected from me I'll wager. ;-)

  • Betrayed

    This is a companion piece to "In the Weeds," written from T'Pring's POV. It has been so easy to vilify her in fandom, but did we truly understand the challenges she faced once her parents bonded her to Spock? This is not a commentary on her behavior, but a look at the situation from her perspective—that of a seven-year-old who has just had her whole world turned upside down.

  • In the Weeds

    Spock was clearly uncomfortable discussing "the birds and the bees" with Jim Kirk. Can you imagine how much more difficult that conversation would have been with his parents as a young boy? A Spock childhood story.

  • God Only Knows

    This is a companion piece to Mackenzie Calhoun's brilliant "When I Grow Up (To Be a Man)" and was written for the TToT 2014 Steal All the Toys challenge. In Mac's AU series, Gary Mitchell-Lifeguard, Gary washed out of the Academy during his first year and took a job as a lifeguard on the beaches of San Francisco. More details inside. Gary Mitchell.

  • Great Expectations

    Chapel's first day through the eyes of the seven main characters in TOS. These are all companion pieces to my story 'One Small Step' about Chapel's first day on the Enterprise. Response to the 2014 ficlet challenge at Ad Astra.

  • The Ruthless Hand of Man

    This story explores a very dark day in the life of a young Jim Kirk, the event that forever changed his outlook on life, and helped to mold him into the man he eventually became. Written for the 'Innocence' challenge at Ad Astra.

  • Before the Dying of the Light

    What made a ten-year-old Spock flee his home three days ago, and what punishment will his parents mete out upon his return? An expansion of my chapter from "Moments" entitled "Downtime." Written for the "Dying of the Light" challenge at Ad Astra. As promised, chapters for young Kirk and young McCoy are now up.