

  • Overprotection

    Kaoru is feeling a bit overprotected by Kenshin. Is it just her imagination or is Kenshin really being a bit obsessive. OOC. Rated for adult themes

  • Family Matters

    Just a bunch of FACE short stories. Dealing with little Matthew and Alfred is tough. Well, not so much Matthew... FrUK

  • A Ghost Loves Me

    Henry's dead but head over heels with a living being named Alex. Walter is jealous and a childhood friend of Alex's is very jealous. M/M Rated for safety.

  • Hidden Side of Wesker

    Right after entering the S.T.A.R.S. force, Chris falls hard for Wesker. But he doesn't realize there's a side to Wesker that's dangerous and possessive. Chris learns the hard way falling for a dream can end in a nightmare and Wesker is unwilling to let him go.

  • Why We Shouldn't Gamble

    Crack fic. Taken seriously may result in possible death. On a dare, Harry gives Snape his Drarry fanfic. Slight DracoXHarry and even slighter RonXHermione

  • Sherlock Makes His Claim

    Sherlock managed to hide the fact that he's a werewolf for some time now. Until some Mary girl threatens to take John away. He has trouble controlling his desire to claim John as his own, who has no idea about his secret. Also features Vamp!Mystrade

  • Not So Secret Santa

    The nations can't do anything right, much less Secret Santa. Pairings: Fr/Uk. Spamano. PruCan. Gerita. RusAme.

  • Little Holmes Brothers

    Sequel to Little Sherlock. When Sherlock tries to shrink Mycroft in order to give him a taste of his own medicine, they both end up as three year olds. As if things weren't bad enough, they can't change back.